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Comment Re:Good (Score 2, Insightful) 1143

The price difference between the 13 and 16 SEER units? Total of about $4000, that will be paid back in less than 2 years with the power savings (our old units were 13 SEER models).

It's a damn shame that apartment owners don't care how much you spend on heating and AC. Idealy there should be higher standards on rented units especially given how many properties are being converted to rentals.


TSA Union Calls For Armed Guards At Every Checkpoint 603

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes "Brian Tumulty writes at USA Today that the union representing airport screeners for the Transportation Security Administration says Friday's fatal shooting of an agent at Los Angeles International Airport highlights the need for armed security officers at every airport checkpoint. The screeners, who earn up to $30,000 annually, have not requested to carry guns themselves, but they do want an armed security officer present at every checkpoint says J. David Cox Sr., president of the American Federation of Government Employees, which represents the screeners. "Every local airport has its own security arrangement with local police to some type of contract security force," says Cox. "There is no standardization throughout the country. Every airport operates differently. Obviously at L.A. there were a fair number of local police officers there." Congress may investigate the issue but Sen. Tom Carper, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, says that "there will be an appropriate time — after all the facts have been gathered and thoughtfully analyzed —to review existing policy and procedure to see what, if anything, can be learned from this unfortunate incident to help prevent future tragedies." TSA officials say that they don't anticipate a change in the agency security posture at the moment, but "passengers may see an increased presence of local law enforcement officers throughout the country.""

Comment Re:still doesn't compute (Score 1) 327

When you need to go further, with the money you save on the electric vehicle...

And still no one has been able to demonstrate to me that this statement makes any sense (don't forget that charging stations cost a lot more than at home). How much does it cost per mile in a Model S vs a Prius? How many miles before any per mile savings actually pays for the difference in the sticker price?

Comment Re:partially. Clinton came in on a boom. 8 years (Score 1) 144

Six years of Obama have had things go from bad to worse, and people can see that too.

What?? Unemployment was 7.8% on an UPTREND when Obama took office. It is now 7.2% on a DOWNTREND. You can talk all you want about whether he can be credited for that, but things are better, not worse.

Comment Re:Quite so! (Score 1) 401

This is exactly what I am seeing. I worked with a senior level engineer who really needed someone to help with his work load, but he said he couldn't find anyone because he couldn't take the time to train a younger engineer. This logic will never cease to confound.

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