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Comment Re:Maybe someday (Score 1) 333

Multicasting is going to be around for a long, long time still. So long as it does, the cable/fiber/satellite networks are still the gatekeepers; they're not going to embrace IP multicasting when they have a perfectly good system that does the same thing.

No, they won't.
But Netflix might.

Comment Re:Proof, please? (Score 1) 556

If such data were available, why would an application like "Trails - GPS Tracker" ever need to "Resume recording"?

I don't own an iPhone, so I wasn't following this story too closely, but I think that the phone is logging this data for the phone's purposes (e.g. to send upstream to Apple). iOS is not subject to app restrictions.

Comment Re:PPA for Ubuntu? (Score 1) 221

That's a PPA for Blender SVN (which I've been using since like Blender 2.5 Alpha 1, and Blender's generally been 100% usable).
If you just want the release package, pick one from that PPA's previous builds, here. (Make sure you pick the right architecture, version, and target Ubuntu version.)

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