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User Journal

Journal Journal: Sigh...

Burn a decent copy od CD3 and off we go. Kinda doesn't boot into KDE though... sigh... google is our friend; switchdesk kde
I put my crap usb keyboard on, it works very nicely. That's good. Sound card didn't seem ot work when I tested it.
Thunderbird, Firefox go on easily.
Switch to the chooser version of the login to save clicking. Nice.
Run up2date and go to lunch.
A certain degree of strugle since it sees a kernel update, isn't sure if it should install it, and I foolishly t

User Journal

Journal Journal: Been a while...

But, now I'm back on a laptop for mainstream production, and now I have some OSS running as one of my key production apps (Firefox, natch) then time for another go.

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