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Comment I disagree (Score 1) 664

Android is necessary as-is for what it is.

But I think you've almost hit it on the nose with the rest. This OS/platform is the underlying architecture for a Google branded wave platform on which most (if not all) of their software applications will eventually reside. But Wave is available now, without Google's 'OS' and is a generic real time data sharing platform. Google OS is (near as I can tell) a business solution for those that want Google's tools and complete control of their data in-house.

They go together like PB & J but they are distinct.

Comment No no no... (Score 1) 344

No no no... It's like paying the mafia for protection... and by "protection" they mean sending a couple of guys around every month to take your money. When they're breaking your knees for not having the money because it was stolen last week they tell you that you should have called the cops.

PS I couldn't help but notice that MS's free software that so many CEO's derided over the previous months is doing a better job than many of their products, and as good as the best and most expensive.

Comment Choosing your data? (Score 1) 383

Excuse me, but really?

There are countless examples of trash drivers blowing up unix boxes. Just as there is a wide variety of hardware and drivers that are rock solid under Windows.

The bitter truth is that there is little information on what hardware and which driver rev. is the good one. Unix/Linux is a little better in that respect with lesser known hardware, but it's hardly a won battle.

Comment Re:Actually, its not... (Score 1) 698

I don't know about Netflix, but Apple's service is south of 600mb for what would roughly be a hour long show (40-45 minutes) which works out to 416 "hour" programs a month (or a bit over 300 hours). +10 hours of TV a day is a god damn lot of TV.

Netflix is poorer quality and I would suspect much smaller and given theirs, YouTube's, and Hulu's success it doesn't look like many care about the visual quality of broadcast TV in it's current state.

I would also suggest that if your kids and yourself are pushing "double digit" TV viewing daily (no matter how you divide it) that you should just finish the job and give them up for adoption.

Comment Really? (Score 4, Informative) 249

Because the maps have a giant "3G" label, and they're both quite accurate and easy to compare...

You'll have to pull up a 3G map for a city then zoom out to the national level on their own site.. (

AT&T really doesn't have anything on Verizon's 3g network.

Comment Re:Price of USB 3.0 firewire 1600 / 3200 better as (Score 1) 168

Like he said... price.

You can engineer whatever you want, but USB delivers 99% of what most people want at a fraction of 1394's price. Nobody buys a new pc so the processor can sit on it's ass turning watts into degrees.

There are plenty of use cases for Firewire, just not in the consumer space.

Comment Re:A Good Thing (Score 1) 292

Some people will some people won't, I think that's the point of this. For those that do, a family member could/should take responsibility for the page and take possession of the account.

To be fair though, facebook deadpool trolling is going to become a sport.

Dale Jr. Dad's birtday today. We had cake!

Internet Douchebag Have a smashing time!

Comment Re:Will not matter. (Score 1) 395

I wouldn't say it "pumps billions", but it does keep a lot of educated people employed. Microsoft can pickup and leave for anywhere. I suppose our legislators figure it's better they stay here at least contributing something than leaving.

I do not agree with this necessarily, but if it's a choice between being cheated but still coming out ahead or loosing it all...

There are much bigger questions regarding corporations that need to be resolved at a national level before Washington can really do anything productive about the situation. Since corporations are more or less running the country that's not likely to happen.

Comment Re:For those who need a server... (Score 1) 557

I suspect MS might be pushing their xbox server next month.

They've been pushing SBS and EBS for years and not many people buy. They're almost as expensive as the real thing and by the time most businesses are willing to drop that kind of cash they're well into "need a real admin and proper management" territory anyway.

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