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Comment Re:Well, does the law force compliance? (Score 1) 316

So basically what you're saying is... if you have money, you can ignore the law, but if you're poor (and thus can't afford to lose your job), you're forced to go along with whatever freedom-eschewing measure your local legislator is cooking up this week to screw you over?

That is a pretty accurate description of reality. There is the possibility of safety in numbers, however if one boss holds decision making power over your whole income you are in a very hard position. Personally I could replace my boss faster and easier than he could replace me, but I'm working for less money than I could get in favor of working for someone I like and respect. He won't be asking for my passwords.

Comment Re:The winner? (Score 2) 567

Would you seek advice on the subject of stopping/avoiding a bully from someone who has failed in all their attempts to do so?

If they tried the exact same idea you are advocating and it failed then yes, I'd listen. If ignoring bullies might work sometimes and other times makes things worse then it's important to understand why and not implement that strategy at the wrong time.

Comment Re:The winner? (Score 1) 567

It was Ghandi's advice, he believed it better to die than fight.


If his own countrymen won't follow him (India is nuclear armed) why should we? In any case, he didn't ignore he confronted peacefully and he believed fighting was superior to cowardice. I think teaching your children it is better to suffer or give in to bullying than fight back is morally equivalent to child abuse, especially when they are encountering that bullying in an environment they are in by compulsion.

Comment Re:Pointing out the truth can not be bigotry... (Score 1) 1121

The New Testament (which supersedes the Old thus avoiding all the violent prescriptions therein according to many Christians, despite that the New Testament itself is contradictory on whether it does or doesn't supersede)

Some theological clarification on how this is supposed to work is covered in Romans 7: 1-6. To summarize: Christians are considered to be dead (crucified with Christ) and therefore have passed beyond the jurisdiction of old testament law. Every christian has already been judged worthy of death according to Jesus interpretation of the law, in which getting angry shows you to be a murderer and looking at a woman to lust shows you to be an adulterer etc. The law itself has not changed and is still in effect.

You might be hard pressed to find christians who can explain that but if you put it like that to someone with theological training they will likely understand and agree with it.

Comment Re:But just because it's labelled news (Score 1) 277

I turned on MSNBC just a minute ago. The question on the screen said "Can Mark Sanford win over family-values Republicans?" Then I turned on Fox. The question on the screen said "Automatic gun ban fail: Did the press pass on the news?" One of those is a real question, and one of those seems to be trying to put an answer in your head.

An outsider's (Australian) perspective: Most media coverage of firearms incidents and legislation is excellent material for studying propaganda efforts. The steadfast refusal of many media outlets to report defensive use of firearms and the outright distortion of facts when it comes to the effectiveness of gun control is so blatant that it defies credibility that it is anything other than deliberate. IMO it is a valid topic to report.

I have seen Australia used as an example of effective gun control by the US pro gun control lobby and as an example of ineffective gun control by the US pro gun lobby. Neither tells the truth and both are selective of the facts they are willing to report. Either side could easily find facts that don't support their agenda but they don't. Here's the reality: for a news service to be useful you need to understand their bias. The stories they choose and how they present them will be influenced by that no matter how objective they try to be. Political news should always be understood as spin, even when it exposes someone else's spin. The news tells you what powerful people want you to believe and stuff they don't care if you know about.

Comment Re:More facetime (Score 1) 1145

Uh, I must be alone in my mother's basement and am selfish in my relationships because I don't want to be like you have portrayed yourself here? Sure buddy, whatever you say. I suppose somewhere in your fevered imagination there is some sort of logic to that but it is beyond my abilities to detect it. You came across as a guy that's afraid of random people in the cinema but willing to brave the cinema out of fear of your wife. You're going to have to understand that a lot of people are going to have trouble respecting that.

Comment Re:More facetime (Score 1) 1145

Confrontation is uncomfortable to most, so they "ignore" things that bother them.

If someone avoids all confrontation out of fear they are traditionally described as a coward. Not everything that you don't like is worth confronting people over but that should be motivated by tolerance, not fear.

I hate opening-weekend movies, and never go, unless the wife makes me.

Look, most of us don't want to be like you. I hope you find happiness but we don't want to live in a world that caters too much to people like you either. You should be prepared to stand up for yourself. If everyone takes the attitude you do, that it is someone else's job, we all lose our rights.

Comment Re:Gun culture (Score 1) 240

If somebody kicks in your door, I could imagine situations where people who are armed and in their home fire back at an intruder who claims to be the police. And what a mess that would be.

Yay guns! They make us safe.

Yay police! They make us safe.

Comment Re:Holy moly (Score 1) 116

Most water people use ends up in the drain, being treated and returned to the system. Bringing in desalinated water doesn't preserve the natural water levels in that area it adds to it. Desalination and centralized distribution also has infrastructure and energy costs that local rain harvesting doesn't and then there's the problem of what to do with the salt.

Comment Re:OMG the Last Pope EVAR!!!!!!!1 (Score 1) 915

So how are we to know when the end is actually nigh, so we can, you know, confess our sins and get our "get out of hell free" card?

The point of biblical end time teaching is not so you can confess your sins just before the apocalypse. The point is that it could come at any time and that even if that doesn't happen in your lifetime you should still be morally prepared for judgement because your personal last day could happen anytime.

It's sort of like always wearing clean underwear in case you get in an accident.

Comment Re:So.... (Score 1) 915

So nothing important is going to change then?

Why should the church ever change if their instruction comes from god? In catholicism matrimony is one of seven sacraments, that makes their teaching on in foundational to the practice of the religion. If they admit to getting it wrong on the sacraments they may as well declare themselves to be obsolete and their religion to be false. That would be fine with me but you can see how the pope might try to avoid it since his job would be on the line. I don't think it makes sense to change a religion, if the teaching isn't true abandon it.

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