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Comment Re:TMNT: Mostly Sucks (Score 1) 481

Yeah because when an artist who has spent his whole life SELLING his work sells it again. They are now a whore? You must hate Rubens and Picasso and Botticelli and that one dude that basically made art for the Medici even though he hated them, Michelangelo. What a sell out. He only did it for the money. :-/

Comment Re:TMNT: Mostly Sucks (Score 3, Funny) 481

I'M SORRY ESCORT WAGON, but really this is slashdot. If you aren't interested in being upset by things that like this then you have no place here. I bet you don't even live your parents basement do you? The Irony being that Slashdoitters (spelled like that on purpose) are usually complaining that they should be able to do what they want with IP. I guess unless its Turtles or Star Wars.

Comment Re:Get over it (Score 1) 582

Small college might not have anymore connection then an oc3. They probably need to limit based on the least common denominator just to make sure they have enough bandwidth for basic internet. (scale connection as college size goes up.) its not like all colleges have multiple fiber connections to the backbone.

Comment Re:Hollywood won't change (Score 1) 516

First there are a LOT of things the MPAA does as I said before that are CRAP STUPID DUMB. But there is a reason AVATAR made more money then any movie ever even when adjusted for inflation. I am never going to agree that its ok to copy then upload for the whole world. Just as your boss would never just let his drafts out into the real world. I am really just sick of the people that think they are ENTITLED to it then justify it as some political statement. Its not much of a political statement when they are proving to them that they want the content. Are actors over paid. probably Should the rest of the crews be paid better? depends. I think it pretty dumb for a movie to cost so much people can't go to them. That seems short sighted. Same with Baseball et al. but I am not going to turn my back on doing what I do just because. Neither are the 10s of thousands of people working in this industry that aren't Tom Cruise. I think is TOTAL bs for people to go Its not how I wanted it. Yea? So what? What give anyone the right to dictate to anyone how they do business. In ever other business you don't go there anymore. Well pirates are seen as still going just not paying.

Comment Re:Hollywood won't change (Score 1) 516

right. Tell that to the 50 + crowd that probably won't get hired again because of that. My mother had a Masters in international business with 35 year of telecommunications background. Decoder in the Air Force. No one would hire her when she got laid off from ATT. so quit with the BS about being multi talented. I have a degree in Physics and Chemistry. I bet I could design and draft render and do the metallurgy on everything you do. Thompson Automotive (TRW) bought out our family business because of Metallurgy. Maybe you know them JADSON or by the later name post 1937 after the buy out Dale and Lem started Drake Engineering or maybe you know us by the Engine we made for over 50 years called the OFFY. So why don't you just take the engineering schematics you have and post them online. I mean you want to share right. Everyone should get them for free right? And why do all the other chinese parts on a Boeing plan work? I wouldn't know much about it my father was the Lead test engineer on AWACS at Boeing before he retired. Ever heard of the 7j7? You might also want to look at what percentage of your Car is Chinese seeing as GM has what 17 plants in China now. I am sure all the programers that lost their jobs to India would agree with you totally. Again IF PEOPLE DON"T LIKE THE MOVIES WHY ARE PEOPLE PIRATING THEM? Its pretty funny to read "I HATE MOVES thats why I pirate them." If you don't buy the blu ray for $40 and no on else does either guess what will happen? Guess what doesn't happen. Its good to see you are rightwing capitalist on one front then whine about it on the other. Can you make up your mind please.

Comment Re:Hollywood won't change (Score 1) 516

My father was the head engineer on awacs I know what you do. you do your peon job while the fat cats at boeing move their office from Seattle to Boeing Costing thousands of jobs so that some fat cats could have more money. Wow total different huh? Its ok you won't have a job soon when the Chinese just copy your work and make it for 1/10th the cost because they just did a laser scan of your parts without having to do any work at all. Again there are ZILLIONS of indie movies made EVERY YEAR. They are on DVD all over the place. Why don't you just go find them. I dont' recall anything in the bill of rights about being entertained for free. If people didn't like what we make then they wouldn't be pirating it would then

Comment Re:Hollywood won't change (Score 0) 516

Well you are wrong about how the movie industry works completely. no one is on retainer EVER. even the union guys ARE ALL TEMP. JOB TO JOB. If you can't do your job even in the union in this world you aren't working. So once again when you take the time to reseach how it works in the movie industry you should just shut up. Nothing you said even remotely applies to this industry or how its union works AT ALL ZERO. Good to see you admit you have not a clue about how the union and the industry as a whole operates. Damn you are just ignorant. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS STAFF in Hollywood. EVERYONE IS JOB TO JOB. EVERYONE. Its not freaking 1940's studio system anymore.

Comment Re:Hollywood won't change (Score 1) 516

umm not all unions are like the UAW or CWA. Second. Yup movies do suck a whole lot of them. I wish people would go to more quality movies we have more of them in LA because we have tons of little indie theatres. Just curious though. When you are working on a job do you get to tell your boss no? I work in this industry I work on what ever is hiring. Just like most people. I don't read the script then go Oh yess this is the movie for me. No I go oh your are hiring GREAT I'll take it. Your are right the bulk of the cost of a blu ray disk is the mark up Best Buy puts on it. We are not just talking about theatrical showings. The producers are separate from ALL distribution. I believe its the distributors that you have an issue with since they tend to be the one that decide what will get distributed not the producers. This is why when you watch a movie it has like 6 different production companies.

Comment Re:Hollywood won't change (Score 1) 516

Then don't buy it. Its the government that forced the studio to not be allowed to do direct distribution or you don't know that because you are clueless. They are just getting the laws changed so they can have direct distribution without being dragged into court of anti competitive behavior. That why you don't have theatres with studio names anymore. You might still have a FOX or a PARAMOUNT theatre where you live. Probably don't show movies there right? because the GOVERNMENT SAID THEY COULDN'T. So they either sold them or closed them. God damn do some research. so the studio makes a bluerae disk it can't sell it directly. It has to go through distribution which drives up the cost. Thats not the studios fault. the MPAA does some fucked up things but maybe stick to what they are really doing wrong instead of making things up in your head that you think are happening that aren't when those dudes got there union agreements 40 years ago that was pretty standard stuff. So what you think we should take the 70 year old and through them out in the street? Good plan. You don't think unions are a good idea then don't be on one. Then maybe the movies studios could really screw over everyone. So I guess you and the studios have a lot in common. Good thing those unions existed or you would still be working 16 hour days with ZERO holiday pay. Oh and Guess what my part of the movie industry doesn't have a union but I still don't think we get to just be jealous cause they do. Good for them at least they are getting legally what you are stealing.

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