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Comment Re:Next Phase (Score 4, Interesting) 644

Hard for me to be critical of this woman. I would do the same thing, if I owned both a house and a gun.

Someone once predicted that drone deliveries are going to devolve into "skeet shooting with prizes."

The neighbor a couple of doors down has a drone that he likes to fly up and down the street looking in the second-story windows of the houses. I doubt he's seen anything interesting because those things are LOUD! Hard to sneak up on someone with a flying leaf blower.

Comment Re:Save often, make backups (Score 5, Informative) 465

He was probably counting on Google, as the service provider, to backup his data for him. The way that (if you let it) Apple backs up all of your iPhone data constantly so that if you drop it in the toilet, you just get a new iPhone and everything in a few hours magically comes back the way you left it.

That's the promise of "the cloud" we keep hearing about from the marketing departments. This artist, being an artist not a tech guy, believed it.

But this is actually par for the course for Google. I moved all of my clients off of Blogger about five years ago after one of their Blogger blogs simply disappeared without a trace and no recourse. After a little digging, I turned up HUNDREDS of similar cases of people's Blogger accounts vanishing into thin air with zero help from Google. This has been going on for years, and Google is silent about it.

After all, you get what you pay for.

Comment Re:Not just a bathroom law (Score 1) 1095

If you provide a service to the public, you must accept the public, you cannot discriminate who you serve within reason

Guess how we know you're not a lawyer.

The exact opposite is true in most of America. Businesses are free to not serve anyone they like, with the exceptions spelled out in law ("protected classes" like age, sex, marital status, etc...).

That's why so many businesses have signs posted reading "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

Comment Re:Monkey Island on a satnav (Score 1) 210

A friend of mine at work traded in his minivan, and somehow in the process ended up with a Toyota GPS unit that he didn't need for his new ride. This was way back around 1994/5— the olden days when GPS was still fairly new, expensive and exotic and hadn't been unlocked to its current precision.

I managed to hook up the Toyota GPS unit to the cigarette lighter in my Probe for power, and used a bunch of cable adapters to interface it to the serial port of the cradle for a 512K U.S. Robotics Palm III for display.

I used an old Logitec parallel port hand-held roller scanner to scan long black-and-white stripes of maps, then stitched them together on my computer. Then the stitched maps were loaded into the Palm as graphic files. With some software I found God knows where, I could drive to a known location near one corner of the map and mark it on the Palm III, then drive to another known location at the opposite corner of the map and mark it on the Palm III. Then the software would scale the map image and scroll it so the map would follow me as I drove around.

Each map file covered about 50x50 miles, which was plenty for getting around the medium-sized metro I lived in.

It was a free GPS. No directions. But if I got lost I could pop the Palm out of its cradle and look to see what was around me.

Comment Re:History of the Egg (Score 0) 290

The 555 Easter Egg has been known for years. I first saw it demonstrated at least two years ago.

I just Googled the first YouTube video that came up. I'm not going to wade through several thousand search results to find the very first one. Just because a bunch of kiddies who have never held a breadboard say something isn't true in the comments doesn't mean they're right.

Comment Re:Mamangement (Score 1) 290

Put yourself in the marketing directors shoes.


I am a highly-trained, creative, abstract, thinking individual. It's what makes my work superior to so many others in my field. If you want a robot who can't put together code fast enough or well enough to also include an Easter Egg, then the country code for India is +91. Happy dialing.

Comment Re:Mamangement (Score 4, Interesting) 290

Painting the walls is an obvious change. Pretty much the opposite of an Easter Egg.

An Easter Egg, in the construction sense that you describe, would be more like the time a construction crew opened up the wall in my apartment to fix a leak in a pipe and found a lunchbox that someone left behind when the building was built in 1928 with a note inside reading "Hello."

Harmless. Amusing. And it generally makes the world a better and more interesting place to live and work.

Comment Re:Fuck You (Score 1) 222

I know a company that recently completed a three-year project replacing about 20,000 Dells with Macs at about two dozen locations nationwide. And not just for visual things. For accounting, management, general office, etc... EVERYBODY is on a Mac now. And for the very few hyper-specific applications that don't have a Mac equivalent (things like transmitter monitoring, satellite aiming, etc...), they use Macs running BootCamp.

All you've done is show the world that you have very limited experience. You really shouldn't brag about it.

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