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Comment Re:66 pct of America worried about Ebola (Score 1) 265

To be exact, I mean thousands of people will die from influenza, not the actual shot itself. Which you should get. It's going to be (and already is) one of those years.

Oh, and consider patching your libraries, if you use open source. Most of the hacks were due to people not patching libraries, after someone did identify vulnerabilities.

Now, excuse me, I have an email from a Nigerian Prince who wants to give me money.

Comment 66 pct of America worried about Ebola (Score 2) 265

Look, people in the USA are more worried about Ebola, an infinitesimal risk, than are worried about getting a polio shot (we're losing herd immunity in major cities right now) or a flu shot (which WILL kill thousands of people this year).

I'm not that concerned that "the public" is worried about Open Source, as most of the people polled think it means "open sores".

Comment Fun facts about security (Score 1) 549

1. Security is really about perception, and perceived barriers to entry.

2. Overly complex passwords end up being written down. Great if you already have secure locations that are difficult to access, bad if you have many public entries.

3. Sadly, MSFT was right about Security through Obscurity. The less visible a resource and entrances are, the less likely people are to try to hack them. The more boring, the better.

4. The most effective way to defeat security is through human social engineering. Every time. Without fail.

5. see 4.

6. But password encryption rules! see 4.

7. The greatest number of security breaches has always been through portable devices not secured properly and physically stolen or borrowed. Laptops, cell phones, those all have Internet. There's your most likely security breach.

8. See 7.

9. If you're worried about the NSA CSIS or other agencies, you're wasting your time. They're already in your systems. But they're stupid, and have no idea about old school WW II and thereabouts tradecraft. Use that. It will drive them insane.

10. Most security methods from WW II are still useable. Dazzle paint still defeats human facial recognition. Ministry of silly walks still defeats pattern analysis of human following on security vids. Really. Kind of surprising, but true. Mostly because modern intel agencies are too stupid.

Comment Mixture of factors (Score 2) 447

Duration of dating before marriage would be a good predictor, as would female desire for wealthy spouse (negative) and male desire for pretty spouse (negative), in that duration will allow a couple to get past the "in love" phase to the "love" phase, and looks and wealth fade.

Sunk costs of giant weddings and social pressures account for most of the rest.

The question is, are you happy? What do you define as happy?

My grandparents all got married with an expectation that their spouse was their partner. Marriage used to be more about family and stability than about other stuff.

Comment Just get a flu shot (Score 1) 478

If you live in North America and you don't have any direct flights to your city from Africa, just go get a flu shot.

And if you've been avoiding one, get your polio shots too.

Those are real threats that kill people.

But Ebola?

Not here.

More people die texting in just one city here than die from Ebola.

Comment As a former Shell RDC shareowner (Score 1) 252

As a former owner of Royal Dutch Shell shares, I'm not that surprised.

The sooner you talk about the real threats to climate change, and to the Arctic in particular, which are, in order, China use of coal, China use of oil, and Canada (Alberta) use of tar sands, the better. All of the growth since 2000 has been those. India and the US, the 2nd and 3rd contributors (2014 UN data), have not grown their total use of any of those (coal, oil, tar sands).

Focus on the grasping giant first. The others are manageable.

Comment Re:what an idiot (Score 1) 263

Drunk people think they're great at driving too. Anyone under the influence of illegal drugs think they're sooo intelligent and creative and imaginative and infinitely smarter. In reality, they can't even think straight.

I think you meant to say using a cell phone or tablet while driving, which is the primary cause of accidents in BC this year, not alcohol or medications.

Same stats in WA, OR, CA.

Comment But if we change, who will provide cheap prisoners (Score 5, Insightful) 263

Nobody thinks of the economic impact of freeing millions and millions of American citizens from indentured servitude.

How will the prison industrial complex get cheap labor if we legalize MJ, which is used to imprison non-whites and seize all their assets without warrants?

If the South has to give that up, it could be the end of the plantations!

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