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Comment Re:configuration languages (Score 2) 141

It most definitely can make it more readable in many cases. Have you ever tried to debug Perl written by an 'expert'. The rules are all there, but the meaning is quite obsfuscated. Breaking it up and adding characters helps a lot. I'm not saying it would definitely herlp here as I don't know the new syntax, but it's quite conceivable.

Comment Re:Don''t expect help from Apple (Score 1) 359

The convenience factor does enter into it as well. It's pain taking stuff in for repairs. Apple makes decent hardware, but they do seem to have at least as many lemons as anyone else. From what I've seen it's more, perhaps because of the size of the laptops. Most people I know with MacBooks have had at least one repair in the first couple of years. A couple have had machines that had to be replaced as they kept having problems. The good news is that they were replaced free. It's still a pain though.

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