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Comment Re:Yes where your degree is from matters (Score 1) 131

"I don't believe that for a second."

I do some Google work. I've got just a high-school diploma and a teensy bit of college under my belt.

I had to go through three face-to-face vetting interviews.

Sadly my section is getting shut down roughly mid-year this year, so unless I get moved elsewhere, I'm going to be back to designing lighting and hydro systems.

Comment Total Idiocy (Score 4, Informative) 248

"Superfish will be removed from Program Files and Program Data directories, files in user directory will stay intact for the privacy reason. Registry entry and root certificate will remain as well."

Which means we can crack that shit and pwn any computer that even had the software 'removed.'

Oh, and then issuing certificates under the names of other corporations? I do believe that is identity theft, at the bare minimum.

Lenovo should be hit in the courts hard over this.

Comment Re:Not even close (Score 1) 181

Well, you're forgiven since I have the common sense to segregate everything down to Ring 0 for security, but next time, do practice some due diligence - run your shit through an unprotected VM to see if it fucks things up before you subject other people to it. I've been doing that since I joined /., and pretty much anyone with any common sense with regards to today's technology should be doing the same, given every other site's lack of control on their ads. Do it on both sides - the site you're submitting from and the site you're submitting to.

Comment Re:So Twitter's finally going to ban the SJWs? (Score 1) 467

Well, since you're too stupid to Google search "Rogue Star Gamergate" I guess it's not worth even telling you exactly what happened. You're too lazy to do the work yourself, you're likely to lazy to read the evidence for yourself without someone having to explain it to you.

So you lack both critical thought and motivation - it's not worth telling you SHIT.

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