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Comment Re: How is that startling? (Score 1) 413

The Major national papers are just a unofficial wing of the Democratic party and wothey sork to suppress embarrassing things like this.

The "biased liberal media" myth died in the 2000 election. First, after the media spent months inventing Gore "exaggerations" only to let Bush take credit in a debate for a patient right's bill he vetoed as governor. The coup de grace was burying the press recount showing Gore winning a statewide recount under any scenario.

After that, anyone spouting the "biased liberal media" canard was obviously wearing clown shoes. After the New York Times held the NSA wiretapping story until after the 2004 elections, they're just a bunch of fucking idiots.

Comment Don't hear they're just doing 99% of this. (Score 1) 413

Whilst the Republicans have played this game well in recent years, it's not that long ago that the Democrats were at it equally successfully, and in many states they still do it. Which is not to suggest that it's a good thing - but let's not get partisan about it.

Ah yes, the "Johnny did it first - decades ago - so it's no big deal that Boehner is Speaker right now because of gerrymandering" canard. Not get partisan, my ass.

Comment Hint: Dems oppose most of that list (Score 2) 413

I love comments like these because they show how wingers have created an alternate reality for themselves where facts need not apply.

I love comments like this. Tell me what is right wing about these positions:

Tell me you've paid an iota of attention to what the Democrats have been doing for the last 30 years?

nationalizing health care

You mean far better care for far less money? Not only did Democrats take Single Payer off the table before negotiations began, top Democrats (Obama, Reid, Baucus, Pelsoi) killed the Public Option. If, on the other hand, you're referring to Obomneycare....yeah, that's a right wing, market based plan. First cooked up by the Heritage Foundation in the 90's - something both Obamabots and wingers have an allergic reaction to remembering.

paid college tuition

Where. Nothing has been done nationally, and tuition will have about doubled under Brown.

open borders/immigration amnesty

Obama deported immigrants at a rate far higher than Bush, before pulling a mini-Reagan when it was politically meaningless.

regulation of business, to a detrimental level

On some planet where Democrats haven't continued deregulating businesses? Reagan-Bush sent 800 bankers to jail over the S&L fraud; Obama hasn't prosecuted a single banker for a crisis 70 times as large. If, again, you're referring to Obomneycare, take it up with these guys.

union empowerment

"Empowered" right out of their teaching jobs with RTTT, which is Bush's NCLB on steroids. Sin taxes on union health insurance, something Obama attacked McCain for wanting to do in '08. Killed EFCA. Auto bailout gutted the union by forcing new employees to work for far less money than existing workers - and why support a union if you aren't going to get anything out of it?

higher taxes on the rich

Most of Bush tax cuts were extended, and they keep wanting to cut corporate tax rates.

more social programs for the poor

They just cut 9 billion in food stamps in the last farm bill. And who do you think "ended welfare as we know it" in the 90's, President Dole?

Comment Re:I just don't understand (Score 1) 1128

And the people that supposedly witnessed this had many conflicting stories between each other as well as their own accounts over time.

Which happens with all eyewitness testimony. If you would say the same prosecutor would be reluctant to press the case if it was Brown shooting Officer Wilson, with the same amount of shifting eyewitness testimony, let me know first so I can put my coffee down.

Comment Moderate BS (Score 1) 1128

All eyewitness testimony is unreliable. If it was Brown who killed Willson, no prosecutor in the country would have a problem with an eyewitness with shifting details.

especially since Michael Brown had just robbed a convenience store.

Especially batshit irrelevant, as the cop had no idea there was a reported robbery. Prosecutors can 'indict a ham sandwich' with a grand jury. If they didn't indict, it's because the prosecutor didn't want them to. First in the Ohio Wal-Mart murder, and now in Missouri.

Comment Re:I'm glad there is rioting. (Score 1) 1128

The police have a dangerous job - they put their lives on the line every single day (just ask one), and they simply can't take the chance that a black man might be dangerous. No. That's completely wrong,

Indeed, it's wrong. Law enforcement isn't even in the top ten most dangerous jobs - roofers, firemen, truckers are all more likely to end up dead "in the line of duty" than cops. Take out car accidents (which don't have anything to do with them having a justification for itchy trigger fingers) and I don't know if they even make it in the top 20.

Comment Re:Wouldn't time be better spent... (Score 1) 481

Most of the murders by police occur in the cities, where gun control is tighter.

Because of cheap guns purchased at places like gun shows with little to no regulations.

Don't use this issue to plug your oft-discredited support of fascist gun control policies.

Fascists DGAF about ammosexuals. The Deep State wants to record everything you do, not take away your toys.

Comment Re:Consent of the Governed (Score 2) 165

The US is a Republic, not a direct democracy.

He didn't say it was. If you think Republic and Democracy are incompatible, you don't understand either term.

The US is an oligarchy in rhetoric only, in reality it is a republic in which corporations can't vote but citizen can. Election still determine the composition of Congress and it is Congress that makes the laws, not corporations, even if corporations can and do influence the contents of various laws.

What kind of dumbfuckery is this? The bank bailouts alone make a very bad liar out of you. The mandate to purchase for-profit health insurance further pulls back the curtain to reveal that you've put on your clown shoes.


Comment Re:Consent of the Governed (Score 1) 165

No. A free society mandates that the government be accountable. That requires the public to have some knowledge of the acts committed by the agents of said government. When the government must report to its citizens is a matter of debate.

And how do you propose to have this "accountability" if the actions are kept secret? You seem to be contradicting yourself.

Comment Why does anyone listen to Libertarian Loons? (Score 1) 554

Every dollar taken away from a citizen to be spent by the lawmakers and bureaucrats, robs the citizen of his freedom to spend that money the way he would have chosen.

Civilization costs money, so why don't you guys just come out and say that you only want it for the rich and the bourgeois. The proles can all move out of their three bedroom apartments into Philippine-style shantytowns. No more public roads for them, nor education nor drinking water that can be used without boiling. Libertarianism = sociopathy + willful ignorance + greed.

Yeah, and so is the Postal Service â" despite raising its prices several-fold

Inflation. Google it.

Why can't those bridges and tunnels be privately owned and compete with each other?

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and read up on the 19th and early 20th Centuries. Because you aren't going to get competition, you're going to get consolidation and monopoly rates. Standard Oil and railroad barons, Google them too.

Comment Re:yea no (Score 1) 320

Complete and utter bullshit. Plagiarism does not commit a crime, period. Academic violation, yes. Institutional violation, yes. Intellectual violation, yes. Probably a workplace violation in some cases (though typically only if you create content for your employer intended for public consumption). But criminal violation? No, no, no.

That's easy enough to get around: all a prosecutor has to do is allege a Terms Of Service violation - like copying said code using the school's internet connection - and threaten you with prison....just ask Aaron Swartz.

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