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Comment Re:On that note (Score 2) 290

And WTF is a 'USian'?

I am surprised you haven't heard of this term or confused in its usage. It is quite recent, fairly widespread and obvious. But just in case:

USian (Some spell it "US'ian") refers to people from the United States. Its origin is people from other North and South American countries taking offense to being grouped together with the culture/actions of the USA. Quite fascinating how politics shape spoken language!

It should be clear when you look at the work: US + ian. US stands for "United States" and "ian" is a common post-fix on english words reffering to population groups (eg. Asian, European, etc).

Comment Re:This approach has gone nowhere for years (Score 3, Insightful) 169

Sharply limit password tries before account lockout

Let me introduce you to a very simple business plan:

1. Get the usernames of some company that is making good money. Not too hard, majority of them should be first/last names concatenated.

2. Keep logging in with the usernames and password as "password". Watch as the IT is brought to their knees trying to deal with hundreds of employees being constantly locked out.

3. Contact the company asking for good sum for you to stop it.

4. PROFIT!!!

In essence this is a very trivial DoS attack. This is the reason why login attempts get long pauses before letting you try again and why accounts don't get locked down.

Comment Re:It's not a doll (Score 1) 342

Do you think it was men that demanded for women to have careers?

During the WW2, due to the shortage of men, women entered the workforce. The loved it so much that after the war there was no putting them back in the homes anymore.

Face it, women want to work. They are free. It is only fair to let them choose their destiny. Yes, it did lessen (Not killed. Some women prefer to be stay-at-home moms) the traditional gender roles, but I will argue it resulted in happier population as a whole.

Comment Re:Useless without a surrogate (Score 1) 342

Looking at the natural world, the purpose of life is to survive through the genetic code. That is encoded in every organism. They are born, breed and die. Some in a very short time frame.

Humans are special in that we get to choose our purpose. However having children still feels the best. Many have said that real happiness is impossible without children. Not to mention you want someone to take care of you when you get old.

Why do you think males are more immune to these drives than females? Just because we are not limited in our number of sex cells? Men want children just as much as anyone regardless of the financial strain. It is very rare indeed for a person to choose never to have children.

Comment Re:Glitterboyz on the way (Score 1) 630

Amazing how long WWII is being milked to keep patriotism and massive military complex alive. Hell, it was before I was born! I wonder how may decades 9/11 will be used as a propaganda cry.

Why are you all friendly towards Canada? They burnt down the White House!!!

Where is your hatred for Mexico? Don't you remember Alamo?!


Comment Re:Sure, but... (Score 1) 392

Um.. that never worked out.

One side will eventually win out, massacre the able men, fuck the opposed side's women and the women back home when they get back. After a few years of the coming-home-boom the population is much larger than before the war.

Sure the violence is dramatic, but much more effective solution to population control is education. If a couple has only two children, the population is stable. So if the child is able to take care of the parents in their old age, it becomes counter-productive to keep breeding (It is expensive to raise a child after all). Europe and Japan are now seeing decreasing population without massive scale plagues or slaughter.

Alas is it impossible to have all places on Earth to have a civilization level of that quality :-(

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