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Comment Re:We've gone beyond bad science (Score 1) 703

And a species of salmon that to my understanding, is actually invasive, not native.

In Calif politics, "Cui Bono?" is the real driving force. Frex, I'd like to know who in the state power hierarchy has investments with food importers and/or overseas ag interests.

[Longtime and former SoCal resident here; I've seen these "Follow the Money" disasters time and again.]

Comment Re:Whatabout we demand equal time of our views ins (Score 1) 667

I think churches should be taxed on any income that doesn't go directly to "good works" -- ie. some form of charity or support structure. Which would put them on an equal footing with other charitable organizations. (Tho having perused some of those tax documents... dodging out of taxes is more like it.)

Comment Re:Accell/Brake Harshness (Score 1) 133

Like the time I had to jump on the brake with all my strength to avoid plowing right through the idiot who pulled out no more than 30 feet ahead of 10,000 pounds of truck and trailer going 25mph and with nowhere else to go??

That's when I learned what amazing brakes Ford puts on their heavier trucks. Stopped with room to spare. But with a "harshness governor" on my actions and only normal braking -- the idiot would have been dead.

[Incidentally, I'm fairly sure popping out in front of oncoming traffic without troubling to look first is the Idaho state sport.]

Comment Re:waste of time (Score 1) 133

Absolutely right. There is no idea so stupid, or so counterproductive, or so liberty-killing, that some politician or bureaucrat can't manage to implement it. Do you =really= know what all the riders are on each and every bill?? Do you really know what's in those federal regulations that keep growing by tens of thousands of pages every year??

Comment Re:Using 'songs' as units of measurement? (Score 1) 100

What I've noticed since the, um, Great Migration referenced in your sig, is that slashdot now has a lot of posters I don't recall having ever seen before..,. some of every stripe, but generally without the fire in the belly, if you know what I mean. I think that, more than the current crop of articles, has caused a shift in tone.

I now spend more time on SN. Fuck beta!

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