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Comment Re:Cheaper method (Score 4, Insightful) 127

Climatologists get paid whether the world is warming or cooling, and it's not as if the politicians are doing much in regards to what the scientists are saying.

Besides, there's a lot more profit in being a mouthpiece for the fossil fuel industry.

But hey, maybe you can hire Ben Stein to narrate a documentary detailing how all the biolo... er climatologists are in an evil cabal to hide the truth.

Comment Re: That's no mere galaxy; that's GALACTUS (Score 3, Insightful) 157

Yes, the method where you come up with models with predictive power and test them against observation, as opposed to bring a pathetic loser who grape onto kookery in the vain hope that somehow it will make your intellectual laziness seem less obvious.

I spent years debating people like you, only to learn your type are too fundamentally pompous and inadequate to actually want to learn anything.

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