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Comment Re:Misguided Like A Japanese Rocket Launch (Score 1) 435

"Wait until you find wire-sniffing apps inside your (expletives deleted) routers" Yes, I do quite frequently that, about once a week and we are a micro company. tcpdump is one of the most useful tool to debug firewall, vpn, application level networking issues of my users. Plain text protocols are a great help, and it is not coincidental, that most public protocol is plain text. They can be debugged, I can see what is happening on the wire. Usually even binary protocols contain enough ASCII text for debugging. Unnecessary (expletives deleted) HTTPS makes this impossible.

Comment Re:Why Java? (Score 4, Informative) 179

I have used C and mostly C++ for 10 years. Java for 15+ years, full time.

My experience with Java portability is extremely good, during 15 years I guess i have less than 5 cases when I have to modify our own code for portability reasons. I mean binary compatibility, no recompilation is necessary. Upgrades were seamless too. However I know that others has worse experiences. Regarding C, I almost never have been able to compile C programs without issues in a new environment.

As a language, Java has the huge advantage of automatic garbage collection. That not only means that I do not have to destroy object at the end of functions, that is not really important. The big thing is that returning newly allocated objects to the caller is the natural way of doing things. This is an issue in C, because it must be agreed on who will destroy the returned object. Java also has a huge standard library, and - except web applications - there is an obvious candidate for everything.

Java has comprehensive runtime information about anything, so tools and frameworks can do almost anything runtime, including generating new code. And they do this nicely, they do not mess with the code unnecessary. There is a precise stack trace in each and every case. There is no pointer arithmetic, so there are no mysterious memory corruptions, ever.

Also, in contrast to the somewhat popular, moronic thinking, Java is very fast and very secure, it is compiled and recompiled several times dynamically runtime and there are no memory leaks. It usually requires more memory than a well-written C program, and its startup is slower, but that is rarely an issue on modern (i.e. not older than 10 years old) machine.

Overall I am much more productive with Java.

Comment Re:My problem with AMD (Score 1) 136

I bought three AMD servers without any issue in the last years. I buy motherboard and usually case + power supply from Supermicro. I could buy Opterons, ECC memory and data center SSD-s from quite a few shops. The AMD motherboard offers of Supermicro is easily understandable: I select processor generation, socket count, whether I want SAS, whether I want remote management chip on the motherboard and that is all, there is one motherboard which correspond to my conditions. I also do not have to consider which features I want from the processor, because (and in contrast to Intel), all AMD processors of the same generation contains the same features, even the cheapest one.

Comment Re:Intel does not "make it easy" (Score 1) 157

this. One of the reasons I do not even check Intel processors for a new machine is that Intel randomly disable a feature here and there. On the other hand if something is present in an AMD processor generation, then it will be present both on their cheapest and most expensive cpu-s too.

Comment Of course AMD desktops are cheaper (Score 1) 157

Of course AMD desktops are cheaper. While AMD provides a better performance / price ratio than Intel, at this moment AMD does not compete in the high end category at all. If somebody wants a high end desktop (above 2000$) they must use Intel and pay the hefty price premium. Moreover, even if one wants a top AMD configuration now, he will instead wait 2 months and buy a Ryzen processor.

Comment Re:Where IS Java today? (Score 1) 89

I have very positive experience with Java, "write once run anywhere" does work. We moved complex applications without any changes most of the time. In rare cases the required changes was few and obvious, like case sensitivity difference between Linux/Windows. This also applies to Java upgrades too, 99% of the time there were no issues. I do not have a similar good experience with any other language.

Comment Re:Pi reliability (Score 2) 97

I have several Raspberry PI and none of them failed yet. They are accidentally left on for months and come up without issues if a monitor is attached There is one which has been working for years attached to a monitor and network 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is running a browser, so it is not even a server with console only. I use them all in a case and I switch off swap on the continuously working one.

Comment Re:If AdBlocking is freedom-hating... (Score 1) 539

If you are panicking because of the additional possibility of cross site scripting then imagine what will happen when web sites starts to serve ads under their own domain name to avoid sneaky ad-blockers. Of course this would be unnecessary if ad blockers were not sneaky, that is they would send a HTTP header or at least a JavaSript DOM object indicating that ad blocking is ON. Therefore the site could decide what to do: reject the user, offer limited content, offer subscription or micropayment, nothing.

I also do not understand what are you doing on a website like Slashdot which is full with user generated content.

And by the way, I also do not understand how did you come to the great idea that I am completely unaware of cross site scripting.

Comment Re:If AdBlocking is freedom-hating... (Score 1) 539

The traffic doubles at the worst case because in addition to the user-server traffic there will be webserver - adserver too. Yes, this may mean that on the webserver side the traffic becomes more than twice larger compared to the previous level. But video ads are only a few seconds, and now it is 2016, we use very capable hardware and scalable software, the average web server of a small site is usually idle. The infrastructure companies will be quite happy though.

Comment Re:The sad thing is (Score 1) 539

Advertisers need to make their adds useful to the people. Allow people to specify what they want to know about,

This is exactly what all ad companies try to do. And this is also exactly why many people hate them: this goes against privacy. In order to serve ads which are interesting to you they have to know what is interesting to you...

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