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Submission + - Researchers Hack Municipal Video Streams (

wiredmikey writes: Recent research demonstrates that common Digital Video Recorders (DVR) installed in police cruisers, municipal buses, school buses, and even taxis are open for compromise by anyone with the means to observe the video and audio streams. A researcher, who was performing a penetration test into municipal resources in an unnamed city, said he gained the ability to see and hear what was happening live inside and outside a police vehicle "because the FTP service had a default password that is located in the user manual."

And the signals weren't encrypted. "We were able to use a standard ftp client and download a normal .AVI file. No special codecs were needed it simply played in Quicktime," according to the researcher.

Access to private audio and video streams is becoming common, especially when the system uses unprotected IP addresses.


Submission + - Spurred by Mobile, Rethinking the Wireless LAN (

GMGruman writes: "As mobile devices enter the workplace and latch on to Wi-Fi networks — along with devices such as HVAC sensors and videoconferencing that most people don't even realize use Wi-Fi — the typical wireless LAN is unable to cope. What needs to happen, argues Aberdeen Group's Andrew Borg, is a rethink of the wireless LAN not as a casual adjunct to the wired LAN (the typical mentality when they were first set up) but as the corporate LAN itself. Borg tells InfoWorld that not only can this be done, but doing so makes the entire network cheaper, more reliable, and more secure."

Submission + - Einstein proven right, again (

sanzibar writes: After 52 years of conceiving, testing and waiting, marked by scientific advances and disappointments, one of Stanford’s and NASA’s longest-running projects comes to a close with a greater understanding of the universe.

Submission + - Signs of Dark Matter from Minnesota Mine (

thomst writes: "Ron Cowen of Science News reports that on May 2nd, at the American Physical Society meeting in Anaheim, CA, Juan Collar, team leader of COGENT, an experimental effort to detect WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), presented a paper detailing 15 months of data collected via a pure germanium detector located deep in a Minnesota mine which seems to confirm similar results reported by a European effort called DAMA/LIBRA. The results are particularly intriguing, because they appear to show a seasonal variation in the density of WIMPs that accords with models that predict that Earth should encounter more WIMPs in Summer (when its path around the Sun moves in the same direction as the Milky Way revolves) than in Winter (when it goes the opposite direction). The most interesting thing about the COGENT experiment is that the mass of the WIMP candidates it records is significantly less than most particle physicists had predicted, according to popular models. If the interactions recorded by COGENT are eventually confirmed as WIMP encounters, wholesale revisions to the so-called "Standard Model" may be required. (Cowen wrote an earlier article about COGENT last year that goes into a lot more detail about how COGENT works, what its team expects it to find, and why."

Submission + - Fortune 1000 Cos Still Saying No To Public Cloud (

Lucas123 writes: While large enterprises may be fine with SaaS and even infrastructure as a service, when it comes to using the cloud for storing any type of data, it's out of the question, according to a survey of 247 Fortune 1000 IT managers by TheInfoPro. Fewer than one in 10 said they had any plans to store even the lowest tier of archive data, such as e-mails. They 'said we're just not giving our data out to somebody else. Performance still comes up in the commentary, as well. The problem is when you need the data back...there isn't a high level of confidence that they can do that through an external system,' said Marco Coulter, TheInfoPro's research director.
Desktops (Apple)

Submission + - "I'm a Mac" Not Really A Mac (

Descalzo writes: In light of all the recent 'false advertisement' stories that have been cropping up lately, here's one that's not getting enough traction. Remember all those Mac vs PC TV spots? Well it turns out that the person who says, "I'm a Mac" is not really a Mac at all; he's actor Justin Long. He was paid to pretend to be a Mac, and even offered discounts at Apple Stores. He admits all this on the Ellen DeGeneres show! It turns out the PC guy really was a PC.

Comment Re:Comment history broken (Score 1) 2254

And is there a way to retrieve all comments by default? If not, being the 251st person to reply to a story almost certainly means that nobody will read what you wrote. I imagine very few people are going to want to scroll to the very bottom of the page and click the load more comments button a half dozen times to get retrieve all the comments on this redesign, for example. At the very least put the button up top. I fear that this will cut down on the number of comments submitted across the board. I would hate to see that.

Comment Comment history broken (Score 1) 2254

Clicking on a score to see a comment's score/moderation history appears to be broken. After closing the popup, it jumps me back up to the top of the page. This happens in Chrome (v 8.0.552.237) and Opera (v. 11.00). This is annoying. I'll go on record as saying that there is too much white space, too.

Comment Re:Nokia n900 (Score 1) 359

Just seeing the contortions you guys go through to make backticks and tildes work makes me wonder how many months you wasted figuring that bit out. You could have been doing something useful/valuable instead.

I wasted 0.000004 months figuring that out.

You'd have saved that time by learning better scripting skills. Backticks have been deprecated for a long time (ambiguous nesting - use $(blah) instead), and I don't know where you'd NEED to use a tilde (bare "cd" takes you $HOME).

I also wish you people would learn to use blockquote.

Does it really only take 0.000004 months to learn better scripting skills? I guess it might, for all I know. I haven't written a line of code in many, many moons. And notice how I learned how to use blockquote! Another 0.000004 months put to good use!

Comment Re:so sad (Score 1, Flamebait) 142

An eight year old, on the other hand, thinks about the cool hockey equipment and tickets he could get with even a modest sum. To an eight year old, hundreds of dollars is a lot of money, and the tens of thousands that you pass off as no big deal is a fortune.

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