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Comment Re:Can't cheat an honest man (Score 1) 312

The house edge comes from the fact that pushing the buttons correctly in all situations is difficult.

Minor correction: The house edge comes from the fact that even if you pushed all the buttons correctly in all the situations, you will still lose more than you win.

The house edge is rocketed into mindblowingly huge profit margins when the majority of people don't push the buttons correctly in the majority of situations.

Comment See if you can hack the user (Score 2) 211

Welcome to Joe Schmoe's website. Please create your account.
Username: halcyon1234@example.com
IF EmailLoginChecker.TryLogInToMailSystem("example.com", "halcyon1234", "12345") THEN
Error = "You're using the same password as your email address. We're mitigating that risk. Idiot."
ELSE RegisterUser();

Comment Special Effects for Sense8 (Score 1) 215

Bab5 more or less pioneered CGI on the small screen. The Wachowskis did some groundbreaking visual work in the Matrix.

When you sat down to design the production, what was the talk like when it came to special effects? How much of all your relevant past experience is being used. Are there any new/exciting/groundbreaking things the team will be trying out?

Comment Re:Three Steps (Score 1) 50

Step 1: Create a meme that encourages people to tweet their auth_token cookie. Make it into some inane dick-waving contest like "Who has the most 8s in their cookie?" or "LOL what wurd does your auth_token spell?". It might reach the levels of UID comparison on Slashdot.

Step 2: Point a bot at #AuthTokenDickWaving.

Step 3: Fuck step 3. You're done.

Comment Re:What I don't get is why scammers are tolerated. (Score 1) 79

What of the much vaunted ability to track down copyright infringement, in order to empower 3 strikes laws? Are these operations really so hard to find and shut down?

No and no. The problem is that if your FCC is anything like Canada's CRTC, they just simply don't give a fuck. (Or in their words, they're powerless and can't even find who is making the calls)

Marketplace (CBC investigation/consumer rights TV program) had absolutely no problem tracking down and embedding a journalist in an offshore telemarketing scam company. They even took their findings to the head of the CRTC and asked "If we can find these people, why can't the police, or the CRTC?"

The response was basically stunned silence, followed by "We can only action on information we receive.". Even in the face of so many complaints and information given directly to them (including the name and address of the violating company, the CRTC just says "Oh, that's nice. We're pleased with the job the CRTC is doing. This should be a police matter." (16:50)

Or more accurately, when faced with the statement "Nobody has a solution", the CRTC's response is "That's right".

So I agree with you. It's sad that the full force of God can be brought down upon a teenager sharing some MP3, but when there is real, actual international fraud being committed on a grand and organized scale-- openly and brazenly-- the authorities who can stop it are nowhere to be seen. Actually worse-- they're right there, refusing to do anything while patting themselves on the back for a job well done.

CBC Marketplace episode, To Catch a Telemarketer: http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/episodes/2013/01/to-catch-a-telemarketer.html

Comment Re:They're certainly free to do this... (Score 2) 217

If they didn't want me to have access to the text they sent me, they shouldn't have sent it to me.

Alternate: Modify your request headers to include a passage that reads "By accepting this header, you agree to provide all content license-free. You agree that I shall decide the price (if any) for any and all content delivered. You agree that any charges that arise, directly or indirectly, from this request will be paid in double by you. If you do not agree, you may request a cancellation of these terms on a per-request basis. All requests for cancellation must be submitted in writing to [Address], signed by you, and witnessed by a Notary Public. Only one request per mailing will be accepted."

Comment Re:temporary allies, but not friends (Score 1) 409

My dad used to be a public defender, and It's interesting to me how nearly every tv show demonizes public defenders, and gives halos to the police.

You might want to check out the recent TV show "The Firm". MC is a defense lawyer (albeit a private defender). IANAL, and I'm not a fan of lawyer shows-- but even I found myself saying "wow, that's some good lawyering". Unfortunately cancelled after its first season, but there is at least one complete and satisfying story arc for the season.

Comment Re:Fingers crossed (Score 1) 93

I'm saying that any significant cheating will be detected, and any cheating so small as to fly under the radar requires so much work and gets such little results-- that it'd be cheaper and easier to earn money doing almost ANYTHING else.

Also, 99.9% of the time, if you think you're being cheated-- you're playing poorly.

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