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Comment Re:He has a talent for understatement (Score 0, Troll) 305

Interesting, but nonsense. There is little chance we would have had "boots on the ground" in Tehran, but sanctions would probably still be on, and we wouldn't have such a likely disaster of a "deal" with Iran.

"Perpetual war" driven by business is a load of bull. That is just another poor idea to badly explain the world in a way that is not particularly valid but little questioned by the people that repeat it. New equipment is going to be sold for upgrades and replacement one way or another. The world isn't static.

Comment Re:He has a talent for understatement (Score 0, Troll) 305


He's only slightly better than W and not the effin' disaster we would have had with Romney.


Events keep proving Romney was right on many policy areas that Obama and his administration has gotten wrong, often repeatedly. I don't know where you get your news from, but maybe you should take in more sources and views. It looks like what you're taking in doesn't cut it.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 459

No, the American Military's treatment of the enlisted isn't fair or honest. They make them commit atrocities in the name of freedom. Then they kill themselves.

No, what actually happens is the vast majority of them fight the war in a law abiding manner under difficult conditions and then people on your end of the political spectrum label most things they do as atrocities regardless of what the facts are. What is worse is that people on your end of the political spectrum have a bad tendency to ignore genuine, even massive atrocities committed by the enemy. And that is before you get to the rejoicing in soldier deaths and suicides, or calls to murder officers. (Time for the revolution?) There was a brief period of sanity there after 9/11, but that faded away long ago.

A lot of them come home and become cops, and you know how that goes... poorly.

Most of them do fine with that, but see my previous answer.

No, we can talk about suicides now, when on average they kill more U.S. soldiers than anything else. You don't think the single most common cause of death amongst our military is worthy of discussion? You would make a shit general.

The suicide rate isn't a particularly useful metric for determining if military action is warranted. If you want to argue that then why not start with something smaller, like ending deaths in bathtubs before doing any more bank robbery investigations. Suicide prevention is a useful topic in terms of taking care of the soldiers, not on military strategy.

You would make a shit general.

I would indeed, specifically a "shit hot" general. Thanks!

Comment Might be some cleanup still needed (Score 2) 75

I clicked on a "firehose" link and the most recent story was "YouTube's ready to select a winner" from March 2013.

But the "help us select the next story" link was ok, as was directly entering

Good luck with the restore / clean up / troubleshooting. That's not a fun way to spend a weekend.

Submission + - Berkeley Breathed Revives Bloom County Comic Strip After 25 Years (

cold fjord writes: Just as it was needed then, it is needed now (more than ever). NPR reports, "Fans of the well-loved comic strip Bloom County are celebrating ... cartoonist Berkeley Breathed issued the first panels of his satirical strip in decades. Breathed won a Pulitzer Prize for his work on Bloom County back in 1987; two years later, he quit producing it. ... It's unclear whether Breathed will syndicate his new work in newspapers; he recently recalled how an editorial dispute with a publisher had a direct role in his decision to quit cartooning in 2008. His Facebook postings, Breathed said earlier this month, are "nicely out of reach of nervous newspaper editors, the PC humor police now rampant across the web ... and ISIS." When Bloom County went idle in 1989, it was one of several clever and inventive comic strips, such as Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side, that were beloved by fans and yet were also comparatively short-lived. Today, devoted fans are treating its return as a small miracle." — The Washington Post adds, "“Honestly, I was unprepared for it,” Breathed tells me of the public outpouring. “It calls for a bit of introspection about how characters can work with readers and how they’re now absent as a unifying element with a society. “There is no media that will allow a Charlie Brown or a Snoopy to become a universal and shared joy each morning at the same moment across the country,” Breathed continues. “Maybe the rather marked response to my character’s return is a reflection of that loss. A last gasp of a passing era.”" --

Comment Re:Richard Feynman said something I can't forget (Score 1) 60

You seem to have missed a key sentence:

However, because of the bloody and intensified war with Nazi Germany, large scale efforts were prevented. -- Soviet atomic bomb project

While the Soviets were engaged in heavy combat against the Germans on the Eastern front there was little opportunity for that. The resource demands in the fight for survival were massive - Nazi Germany was an existential threat to the Soviets. By the time of Hiroshima Germany had been defeated several months prior, resources began to free to pursue other priorities, and the scientific principles were proven to no longer be theory - it was a practical exercise in engineering.

As is your custom you blame the United States while turning a blind eye to the threat posed by the Soviet Union, its imperialism, and its many crimes against humanity.

Comment Re:Richard Feynman said something I can't forget (Score 1) 60

The problem is you frequently pull stuff out of your ass to defend you believing in God,...

Where in that post do I discuss anything related to that?

The problem is you frequently pull stuff out of your ass .... how Snowden killed a bunch of people, and so forth.

Where in that post do I discuss anything related to that?

Because of that, no one can possibly take you seriously.

So you are once again making a completely off-topic complaint in replying to a post I made. And you want to be taken seriously?

You are so eager to shit on the face of reality in order to bolster your personal beliefs. You are the very picture of an irrational person.

I see you practice irony .... unintentionally.

Comment Re:Richard Feynman said something I can't forget (Score 1) 60

If you knew anything about nuclear weapons you'd know that the Soviet nuclear weapons program achieved a number of accomplishments that the US never attained, and had it's own pool of talent fully capable of independent accomplishment as well spies in the US program that helped leverage US research for Soviet purposes. They were going to get what they wanted one way or another.

The Soviets and Communism was an extremely dangerous and well armed menace. Can you acknowledge that?

Aug. 20, 1953: Soviets Say, 'We've Got the H-Bomb, Too'
Case closed: The Rosenbergs were Soviet spies

Submission + - Scientists Develop Seaweed Twice As Nutritious As Kale But Tastes Like Bacon (

cold fjord writes: The New Zealand Herald reports, "Researchers at Oregon State University have patented a new strain of succulent red marine algae that tastes like bacon when it's cooked. The protein-packed algae sea vegetable called dulse grows extraordinarily fast and is wild along the Pacific and Atlantic coastlines. It has been sold for centuries in a dried form around northern Europe, used in cooking and as a nutritional supplement ... Chris Langdon has created a new strain of the weed which looks like a translucent red lettuce. An excellent source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants the "superfood" contains up to 16 per cent protein in dry weight ... It has twice the nutritional value of kale. ... "... this stuff is pretty amazing. When you fry it, which I have done, it tastes like bacon, not seaweed. And it's a pretty strong bacon flavour."" — More at OSU.

Comment Re:Richard Feynman said something I can't forget (Score 1, Insightful) 60

I do, however, fault those that chose to stay after the war and continue working on nukes.

I'm sure you do since you probably would never expect to be among the 100,000,000 people killed by Communist governments and don't appreciate the need and costs to defend a free society. After all, Stalin was going to stop all weapons research after he got the bomb, right?

The Soviet Story

You should look into what happened to "the old Bolsheviks" sometime. Left politics wasn't any protection.

Comment Re:Richard Feynman said something I can't forget (Score 3, Interesting) 60

That every man has the keys to heaven, and those same keys open hell. Paraphrasing, hope I didn't butcher it.

Feynman was quoting someone, probably a Buddhist.

The Meaning of It All - Thoughts of a Citizen Scientist, By RICHARD P. FEYNMAN

Once in Hawaii I was taken to see a Buddhist temple. In the temple a man said, "I am going to tell you something that you will never forget." And then he said, "To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell."

And so it is with science. In a way it is a key to the gates of heaven, and the same key opens the gates of hell, and we do not have any instructions as to which is which gate. Shall we throw away the key and never have a way to enter the gates of heaven? Or shall we struggle with the problem of which is the best way to use the key? That is, of course, a very serious question, but I think that we cannot deny the value of the key to the gates of heaven.

Feynman didn't shy away from making religious references as above, or addressing religion as shown below.

THE RELATION OF SCIENCE AND RELIGION - Some fresh observations on an old problem, by RICHARD P. FEYNMAN

Comment Re:Only IRAN is celebrating (Score 1) 459

So when the topic is Christians in the United States of America they are bat-shit crazy Bible thumpers and a menace to you, but the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran* are "rational players" and apparently worth some level of trust. "Interesting" . . .

I think we have a divergence of opinion in various respects regarding this topic. Have you heard of the Islamic concept of "involuntary martyrdom"?

Iran has plans for a nuclear warhead which will fit its existing missiles that can reach Europe, and has previously hired former Soviet experts to assist it, not to mention it being in league with North Korea (which has a nuclear program) and Syria (which had a nuclear program).

It seems to be that you underestimate it.

* Which fields brigades (literally) of suicide bombers and sponsors terrorism (including suicide bombers) around the world.

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