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Comment Re:So will he go to jail upon return to the US? (Score 2, Insightful) 190

You are missing the other half of it. The cubans that stayed, hate the cubans in Florida as much as the cubans in Florida hate the cubans that stayed.

Many of the Cubans in Cuba want to join the Cubans in Florida, thousands of them try every year. The Cubans in Florida don't hate the Cubans in Cuba, they are opposed to the communist government that is oppressing their friends and family back in Cuba.

The easiest way out for Cuba is to turn away from Communism. It is one of the last hold-outs on the planet in inflicting that failed system on its people. Activists in Cuba support the continuance of the embargo.

The Time to Help Cuba’s Brave Dissidents Is Now: Why the Embargo Must Not be Lifted

Another brave group of Cuban opponents of the regime has actually taped a television interview filmed illegally in Havana. “Young Cuban democracy leader Antonio Rodiles,” an American support group called Capitol Hill Cubans has reported, “has just released the latest episode of his civil society project Estado de Sats (filmed within Cuba), where he discusses the importance U.S. sanctions policy with two of Cuba’s most renowned opposition activists and former political prisoners, Guillermo Fariñas and Jose Daniel Ferrer.”

The argument they present is aimed directly at those on the left in the United States, some of whom think they are helping democracy in Cuba by calling for an end to the embargo. In strong and clear language, the two dissidents say the following:

If at this time, the [economic] need of the Cuban government is satisfied through financial credits and the lifting of the embargo, repression would increase, it would allow for a continuation of the Castro’s society, totalitarianism would strengthen its hold and philosophically, it would just be immoral If you did an opinion poll among Cuban opposition activists, the majority would be in favor of not lifting the embargo.

Next, they nail the claim that travel without restrictions by citizens of our country to Cuba would help spread freedom. The men respond:

In a cost-benefit analysis, travel to Cuba by Americans would be of greatest benefit to the Castro regime, while the Cuban people would be the least to benefit. With all of the controls and the totalitarian system of the government, it would be perfectly able to control such travel.

We know this, as I reported a few months ago, about how a group of Americans taking the usual state-controlled Potemkin village tour came back raving about how wonderful and free Cuba is, and how Cuban socialism works.

Finally, the two former prisoners made this point about lifting the embargo:

To lift the embargo at this time would be very prejudicial to us. The government prioritizes all of the institutions that guarantee its hold on power. The regime’s political police and its jailers receive a much higher salary and privileges than a doctor or engineer, or than any other worker that benefits society. We’ve all seen municipalities with no fuel for an ambulance, yet with 10, 15, 20, 50 cars full of fuel ready to go repress peaceful human rights activists.

Comment Re:I live in Canada (Score -1, Troll) 190

Anyway, I'm confused...

You've got that right. You've either very confused, or you've gone for the hat trick - race baiting and clueless. Fabulous. But hey, it's only sex with children, right? You ok with that bro?

Don't you think that the Cuban government could act to reduce child sex tourism without resorting to even more political oppression?

Comment Re:Good luck with that ... (Score -1, Offtopic) 190

"Being black in a black neighborhood" isn't a chargeable offense. Unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon or drugs is.

You shouldn't ignore that there are differences in the rate of offenses. You can see that in murder stats.

Murder by Numbers

In over 52% of the murders in the US in 2011 in which the race of the murderer was known, the murderer was black. Over half of the victims of murder were also black. But blacks are only 13.6% of the population. Put all that together, and the murder rate in the US for non-blacks was more like 2.6 per 100,000 in 2011.

As Peter Baldwin put it in his book, The Narcissism of Minor Differences, "Take out the black underclass from the statistics, and even American murder rates fall to European levels."

Comment Re:I live in Canada (Score 3, Interesting) 190

stations. There's no such thing as a 'chain' there, everything is one-off. Although, for some reason you can get M&M's and Pringles. Other than that, you're forced to go native and it was pretty great.

It is a lot less great if you live there. That is why they flee by the thousands, or tens of thousands, when they get a chance.

Fifty years later, Cubans still are fleeing the revolution

The Lost World, Part I

I’m used to seeing military and police checkpoints when I travel abroad. Every country in the Middle East has them, including Israel if you count the one outside the airport. The authorities in that part of the world are looking for guns and bombs mostly. The Cuban authorities aren’t worried about weapons. No one but the regime has anything deadlier than a baseball bat.

Castro’s checkpoints are there to ensure nobody has too much or the wrong kind of food.

Police officers pull over cars and search the trunk for meat, lobsters, and shrimp. They also search passenger bags on city busses in Havana. Dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez wrote about it sarcastically in her book, Havana Real. “Buses are stopped in the middle of the street and bags inspected to see if we are carrying some cheese, a lobster, or some dangerous shrimp hidden among our personal belongings.”

If they find a side of beef in the trunk, so I’m told, you’ll go to prison for five years if you tell the police where you got it and ten years if you don’t.

No one is allowed to have lobsters in Cuba. You can’t buy them in stores, and they sure as hell aren’t available on anyone’s ration card. They’re strictly reserved for tourist restaurants owned by the state.

The Lost World, Part II

Comment Re:I live in Canada (Score 0, Flamebait) 190

I live in Canada . . . We go there for vacation whenever the fuck we want. Americans need to get fucking clue and get over themselves. It's just fucking Cuba. No big deal. America has relations with China, and they've executed WAY more political prisoners than Cuba has, and you;re probably reading this on a Chinese built computer. So bag the anti-communist BS and grow up.

By your words and tone I take it you're a fan? What's not to like about Cuba, eh?

How Cuba became the newest hotbed for tourists craving sex with minors

Foreign tourists, especially Canadians and Spaniards, are travelling to Cuba in surprising numbers for sex — and not just with adult prostitutes. They are finding underage girls and boys, a joint investigation by The Toronto Star and El Nuevo Herald has found.

Cuban rights abuses, jailings up in new repressive wave

How Cuba is exporting repression to Venezuela

Comment Good luck with that ... (Score 1) 190

... another significant visit to a place where Internet access is either forbidden or impractical for most of the citizenry; hopefully it heralds change on that front.

Good luck with that. Maybe they'll turn a few of their '57 Chevys into mobile hot spots.

Cuban rights abuses, jailings up in new repressive wave

The Lost World, Part I
The Lost World, Part II
Condom shortage hits Cuba

Comment Re:Who you gonna believe? (Score 1) 567

This is just like Iraq, Afghanistan, or wherever we fight the next war to line Halliburton's pockets.

Lets test that.

Reporter - 1943: Why is the US fighting the Empire of Japan?
Marine on Tarawa: Because the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor.

Reporter - 2004: Why is the US fighting in Afghanistan?
Marine in Afghanistan: Because Afghanistan hosted al Qaeda when it attacked the US, killing as many people as Pearl Harbor.

Reporter - 2014: Why did the US go to war in Afghanistan?
DexterIsADog: Cuz Halliburtonz!

I'm going with the Marines.

Submission + - US National Archives will upload all its holdings to Wikipedia (

An anonymous reader writes: The US National Archives has revealed to a Wikipedia newspaper that it will be uploading all of its holdings to the Wikimedia Commons. Dominic McDevitt-Parks told the Signpost that 'The records we have uploaded so far contain some of the most high-value holdings ... However, we are not limiting ourselves ... Our approach has always been simply to upload as much as possible ... to make them as widely accessible to the public as possible.'

Submission + - Stunning New Assange Revelation - Plans Modeling Debut At London Fashion Show ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: The Independent reports, "Julian Assange could now be turning to modeling ... The Australian WikiLeaks founder will reportedly model for Vivienne Westwood’s son, Ben Westwood, at a fashion show ... Assange – who will be joined by six models during his catwalk outing – has also inspired some of the clothes. Westwood told the Daily Mail his collection was influenced by costumes worn by Clint Eastwood’s western films and also Assange’s combat-beret look. The show’s soundtrack will come by way of music from The Good, The Bad And The Ugly. “I’ve designed something for him along those lines and will be getting him to wear it,” Ben added. “I’ve got another garment with a Julian Assange print.” The British Fashion Council was "unable to shed light on the story"...." — IBTimes adds, "George Clooney and his lawyer wife to be Amal Alamuddin, ... are reportedly going to be guests as Assange struts his stuff for the cameras, "

Comment Re:Weather is NOT climate (Score 1) 567

Repeat that after me, Mr. Fjord. ....

Climate in not weather. Weather is not climate.

Repeat after me, Mr. ColdWetDog: "Cold Fjord is not a Swedish famer from the story, just another person that posts on Slashdot."

Apparently you are one of those people that has to personalize everything. But I only point to the stories, I don't write them, nor am I a subject of them. However, in case you are wondering ....

I am not the math genius Ramanujan that worked with Hardy.
I am not a Doom or Wolfenstin developer.
I am not involved with plans to mine the moon.
I am not involved with either taking or ferreting out bribes in the EU..

Should I ask you to repeat those too?

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