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Comment Re:i heard that Sony hack was insiders (Score 1) 231

Colin Powell assured me that it was North Korea, and that we must act NOW. And that's good enough for me!

The saga of never ending butthurt over Iraq continues to play out in dishonest rhetoric on unrelated issues.

But yes, the time to act was then since Saddam was buying his way out of sanctions with the immense corruption of the Oil for Food program and the charges against Saddam were correct, including having banned long range rockets and unfilled chemical warheads. (Not to mention the 5000+ chemical and biological weapons found in Iraq.) The only one missed was he didn't have current production of WMD, but that would have resumed once he was free of sanctions.

You also don't give credit where credit is due: Saddam had the Iraqi government act as if it was hiding its WMD programs to fool the Iranians because Saddam thought he could rely on people like you to block the West from taking action so he could continue his crimes against humanity, support for terrorism, massive corruption, and ultimately resume WMD production.

Saddam was far shrewder than you.

Comment Re:i heard that Sony hack was insiders (Score 1) 231

The FBI, that well-known organisation with large amounts of experience and jurisdiction over international matters?

Who do you think it is that deals with international organized crime at the US Federal level? I take it you have never heard of the term "legat" either?

Whom among the CIA, NSA, and FBI do you think is responsible for investigating computer crime in the US?

Comment Re:i heard that Sony hack was insiders (Score 1) 231

.... when it comes to any three letter agency from any bloody where in the world or any police forces or even those police forces with insanely bloated egos calling themselves law enforcement, because "WE DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU, FUCKING PROVE IT" and the court of law is our appointed place for them to prove it (yes it has to be shouted because it has become all too blatantly obvious that they are not paying attention to basic required principles of law and justice).

You've got this wrong in multiple respects. Relations between the US and North Korea aren't governed by a court, so any talk of a court being involved in evaluating this is nonsense. Second, courts aren't simply "judges of fact" but are where the law is applied. The application of the law involves individual rights, limits on how evidence is obtained, limits on what can be considered in judging legal culpability. None of that applies to North Korea.

You seem have fave fallen for the common mistake of believing that nothing is a fact unless a court of law says it is. That is nonsense. Courts often have little or nothing to say about many imortant issues in society, including those of major political importance such as international relations.

You view is popular, but simply wrong.

The FBI and intelligence community are competent to evaluate and pass judgment on the evidence in this matter, and no court is either required to even welcome. This is not a matter for the courts.

Comment Re:Procedural vs OO (Score 1) 303

I used to have a procedural toaster which cooked the bread until it became toast. Then I upgraded to a much more elegant OO toaster, which simply sends a "toast yourself" message to the bread. Unfortunately, bagels don't have a self.toast() method, so i still have to have a backup procedural toaster to handle the older API.

Man does that bring back some memories..... Borland used to make some truly awesome toasters, what ever happened to them?

Comment Re:SCOTUS can't be forced to rule on anything (Score 0) 114

Citizens United did harm in that it set up 2 classes of voters.

One, "people" people, who can only vote for themselves.

The other, "corporate people" who, while unable to vote ....

So it really didn't change anything in regard to voting. It is still "one man, one vote," and corporations still don't get a vote.

Comment Re:A wish from an American (Score 1) 114

"Well, Mr. Justice, it appears from the following web searches you made over the last eight months that you like chicks with dicks. Now you can either rule for the the Government, or the Wall Street Journal gets a hot new exclusive..."

Funny that your post includes the word "dick," because that is what you have for proof that has gone on.

You're writing fiction in which the "seriousness" of the "charge" is its own "evidence." You might as well claim that you have proof that every judge on the Supreme Court has sold their soul to the Devil to be appointed to the court. And spare me the "before Snowden" routine on this one since that is bull in this case.

There is equal proof that you are the FSB agent that recruited Snowden as a Russian agent on Putin's order.

Comment Re: Hitler and the NAZIs were so stupid. (Score 1) 292

The chemical weapons found were supplied by the US during the Iran Iraq war.

That is completely false. The US never supplied any chemical weapons to Iraq. Iraq manufactured its own chemical weapons in programs developed with Egypt, and IIRC Syria.

Only a dimwit would confuse the ability to create these weapons with finding a small number of expired weapons.

Saddam was not allowed to retain any of those weapons and was frustrating inspections, and that violated his obligations.

If Bush thought they would exonerate his crime (invading a sovereign country before any aggressive move on the part of the invaded, against all international law),

President Bush didn't violate international law. Iraq regularly violated its cease fire agreement by firing upon coalition aircraft and other actions. Those are commonly known as acts of war. And that is before you get to Saddams many crimes against humanity, acts of aggression, and violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

Comment Re: Hitler and the NAZIs were so stupid. (Score 1) 292

I have no idea how anyone can come up with the idea of calling that "socialist". Socialism is all about a caring, democratic and sustainable society with enough measures to keep sociopaths from running wild. Not a trace of that can be found in the Nazi ideology - they were a bunch of suicidal maniacs, dreaming (if they dreamt at all) of some imaginary children-story past where they were the princes - with a Cinderella to fuck thrown in. It's as if you call someone who tortures, kills and robs your next door neighbour and gives you a dime from the loot a "socialist".

Your paragraph above reveals a huge stumbling block in discussion. You are making "socialism" do double duty. In your usage it isn't a question of economic arrangements and social safety nets, but it has to double for nice, caring, sustainable, and so on. That is the real reason you find it difficult to acknowledge the socialist roots and policies of the National Socialists - they weren't nice and you can't imagine socialists are that aren't nice. Good = socialism, and socialism = good. Unfortuantely the socialists of the Marxist Communist persuasion have provided an enormous example of socialism that isn't good, caring, and all the rest. The Communists managed to kill 100,000,000 people in the last 100 years and yet it is farsical to try to claim that they weren't socialists. In fact while they were establishing state ownership and controlof the practically all of the economy they were also enacting class warfare, exterminating the class enemy, just as Marx and Engels wrote. But if you bother to watch the Soviet Story, or do some research, you'll know that Marx and Engels advanced the idea of exterminating both classes and races. The Communists (international socialists) destroyed by class, the National Socialists (Nazis) destroyed by race.


If you insist on using the word like that then discussions are useless - if you play humpty-dumpty and try to make words mean what you want them to mean communication becomes rather pointless.

Then we will probably be at an impass until you stop trying to make the word "socialist" to double, or triple duty. You can't reasonably refuse to call certain groups of socialists socialist just becuase you don't think they were nice enough to merit your overloaded use of the word socialist even though they enacted socialist policies.

And for the record, yes, there were industrialists that backed Hitler, much to their later regret. They thought they had a deal and could control Hitler, but it ended up being a deal with the devil and that devil had the upper hand that grew ever more powerful. Ultimately the Nazi state controlled the industrialists.

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