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Comment Re:Even Stranger...... (Score 1) 964

So, you don't like the black guy changed to a white. Why don't you complain about the site being in polish rather than english?
That reminds me... some stupid american reporter who took several shots at some celebrations in Moscow and then complained that the crowd was almost 100% white and no blacks was present. (just before someone gets smart: yes I know that Moscow is in Russia not in Poland) Has it occured to you that there are just no blacks in Poland in significant quantities? And that asian guy is in the background on both pictures so that is probably racist too.

Comment Re:a REAL cellphone (Score 1) 220

Not funny, really. My mobile which I stuck with needs three key presses to get to the contact list... Well, it dials manually alright, but contact list is important too, isn't it? And all the single key presses are bound to stupid internet access, camera and even mp3 player. They cannot be remapped. Phone is by samsung.

Comment Re:How about some nice menus instead? (Score 1) 617

The problem here is that open source tries to imitate proprietary software in order to be "no worse than". Many geeks even see it as an advantage: "I changed my mum's text processor from Word to Open Office and she didn't notice a thing!" So, following this paradigm OpenOffice should replicate Clippy soon as well.

Comment Re:back in my day (Score 1) 785

I may sound like a heretic here, but I think cheating is OK and should be allowed. I don't see any use in (stupidly) memorizing all that stuff they teach at school. As internet made access to information very easy people don't need that much memorizing, you can always look up needed facts in relevant databases. On the other hand, students should be taught what the machines can't accomplish: to be creative. There should be less option tests and more essay tests. Less memorizing, more creating. If you want to really teach students something you should make sure they understand what they learn. So we can kill two birds with one stone: make it harder to cheat and improve the quality of education. Hell, I remember my days at school. We were allowed to use the textbooks on exams. It didn't help much, though, as the teachers didn't ask for memorized facts. They asked trick questions so you should be creative and come up with your own answers.

Comment Re:I think you have a different idea of security (Score 1) 144

While what you write is right (no pun intended) it is not the case here. Russian officials, to put it simply, are too stupid to know about some internet technologies. It's all about money here, really.

Fun fact: here in Russia we have to BUY licenses for Linux to present it to police raiding our datacenters. Thank God they cost almost nothing but anyway...

Comment Re:Pretty stupid but reasonable (Score 1) 144

But to stop letting people use Skype or totally disable it because of profits to phone companies is just plain stupid.

Yes it is, but don't underestimate the stupidity of corrupt Russia's government. There was a law proposal lately to ban people from having too much cattle (to protect large agricultural firms' profits, apparently).

Comment I would not worry too much (Score 3, Insightful) 144

The deal is simple: mobile phone operators fear to lose their revenues and want to destroy the competition. That's their only motive. But they can't just go to the officials and say "we lose profits, ban skype" So they make up those ridiculous claims about "national security" and "uncontrolled communication channels" Anyway, "the strictness of Russian law is compensated by optional compliance", as the saying goes, so there.

Comment Re:No need (Score 1) 586

You want a Big Red Button? Then you will certainly like this old russian computer:

See that Big and Red button in top right corner?
It reads "STOP" on it and it did what you've just requested: reset the system. Oddly enough, there were a lot of applications redefining its behavior (just like Windows did with CAD) but it could be circumvented by quickly repeatedly hitting it.

Comment Re:Yes, it is fair (Score 1) 876

Totally agree. I once used the word "rotten" to refer to some stale medicines when talking to a doctor and I was laughed at for not knowing that penicillin can not rot. And I know that I was just using casual lexicon. Just before someone become smart the talk wasn't in english.

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