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Comment Re: But will it hold? (Score 2) 138

You mean not sufficient for politicians?

The uncertain future of Yucca Mountain places plans for spent nuclear fuel in the United States at a crossroads.

Yucca Mt. was a political construct from start to finish, and was NEVER a serious consideration by those in power. What left the US at a crossroads was about 20 years ago when every temporary nuclear storage facility in the US was at capacity, and nothing was done about other than this Yucca Mt. fiction.

I think the solution to the energy crisis is never going to be solved with more nuke plants (though that may help reduce the waste problem... but with more deadly longer, more concentrated waste), but with laws that require every new structure built, residential, commercial, industrial, to create and provide a certain percentage of its own power cleanly.

One of the problems is that the nuclear industry is large and powerful. There are a lot of people employed there that would be happy to continue living in the lie that nuclear energy is cheap and clean and have waste buried everywhere as long as they can keep their career. Its ludicrous. We have myriad energy solutions now... and in fact most are at parity with the cost of nuclear power (if you're honest about it, and include government R&D and subsidies in the cost).

With the aging reactors we now have, I think we can expect another nuclear incident, perhaps not Fukishima scale, probably 3 Mile Island scale, but terrifying nonetheless to residents local to incident.

Comment Re:WebM uses MKV (Score 2) 313

I'd like to know what the point of DivX is... in 2014. There was a war between the patent encumbered DivX and its OSS rival, XviD... XviD won, but manufacturers didn't notice. Now we have the mp4v and h.264 (x264) codecies... DivX/XviD is inferior, as is its 20 year old favorite wrapper, avi. I have been noticing, finally, that XviD is ever so slowly being replaced with mp4/mp4 and mp4/mkv. There is some rivalry now between mp4/mkv/mp4 and wmv9/wmv... but 264/mp4 has been adopted by the Internet, so I can only assume the momentum in wmv9 is purely a Microsoft fiction, that no one really uses it by choice. Anyway, my crappy point is no one cares about a DivX logo on anything anymore... SRLY.

Comment Re:100 Year old (Score 1) 81

1914 is not the 19th century....

If I drive an entirely rebuilt-from-new-materials last month classic 1967-9 muscle car, I suppose you'll say I'm driving a 21st century automobile. I could be wrong, but I think all the computers sold commercially today and for the forseeable future are in fact 20th century computers, regardless of the date of manufacture. A computer built in 1914 is not necessarily a 20th century computer, and your point is, in fact, irrelevant. But the links are cool, thx.

Comment Re:It CAN'T land on a comet - see thunderbolts pro (Score 1) 188

Holy crap. The EU fruitcakes here.... wow. Normally, I never react upon ACs, but your stupidity, Sir, blows my mind more than a 1 TeraVolt/meter electric field could ever do.

I know, right? Its incidental that comet action is electrical... its just an effect. Comets are nucular... they're really just flying nucular ractors.

Comment Re:Flaws in Liquid Solid Engine (Score 1) 112

The test included filling the oxidizer tank with 4,500 kg (10,000 pounds) of nitrous oxide, .... Although the tests did not ignite the gas

N2O has some interesting properties, one of which is that it is an amazing oxidizer, and another is that it is the only known gas soluble in creme. Oxidizers, btw (directed at wiki author/editor) are not fuel, they are oxidizers, so unless the tests also involved something that could ignite, the gas would not be expected to ignite under any circumstances (but flower and corn explode, which is weird but understood... they're fuel). Not knowing anything more about the incident, I'd guess it was a pressure explosion, and with that much N2O, if the flying stuff and the sudden temperature drop didn't get you the asphyxiation probably would.

Comment Re:But where are the potentional profits? (Score 1) 116

"There IS profit to be made on mining asteroids."

That's absolutely ludicrous. Go find out the spot price for mineral ore that's available by the tons right here on Earth.

Tell me how you intend to make a *profit* by going into space with massive amounts of technology and resources???

To get the same things we already have here?

Space is not a cash machine. The discovery made getting there, being there, and even failing to get there are not something you can readily take to the pawn shop or stock exchanges. There is not a quite simple enough answer for you that would withstand the scrutiny of slashdot. But your question is answered easily if it is even remotely physically and economically possible to nudge a small asteroid, change its path slightly, and have it eventually collide with the Earth, or get into an accessable Earth orbit, during the lifetime of a company that would lay claim to it before it arrives. Find the right little asteroid, and not necessarily one in the asteroid belt but perhaps other types of objects, and its a flying proverbial goldmine... even if its a mountain-sized chunk of silver or uranium. In a debt based economy, it sounds plausable enough to me, even if it takes 400 years to deliver the thing.

Comment Re:Spiritual Needs (Score 1) 268

Drugs gives people who need a purpose in their life one. Some people find one without drugs, others are happy without one. But then there's those that need one, can't find one themselves and for them, drugs may well fill that void. That's fine and ok, as long as they leave me out of it, and that includes leaving the tenets of their imaginary friend out of anything that may affect me, be it education, legislation or noise in the form of people screaming I should go to prayer or bells ringing in my ears.

In other words, drugs is something lovely, just don't make a drug out of it.

Sex gives people who need a purpose in their life one. Some people find one without sex, others are happy without one. But then there's those that need one, can't find one themselves and for them, sex may well fill that void. That's fine and ok, as long as they leave me out of it, and that includes leaving the tenets of their imaginary friend out of anything that may affect me, be it education, legislation or noise in the form of people screaming I should go to prayer or bells ringing in my ears.

In other words, sex is something lovely, just don't make sex out of it.

A good job gives people who need a purpose in their life one. Some people find one without a good job, others are happy without one. But then there's those that need one, can't find one themselves and for them, a good job may well fill that void. That's fine and ok, as long as they leave me out of it, and that includes leaving the tenets of their imaginary friend out of anything that may affect me, be it education, legislation or noise in the form of people screaming I should go to prayer or bells ringing in my ears.

In other words, a good job is something lovely, just don't make a good job out of it.

Marriage gives people who need a purpose in their life one. Some people find one without marriage, others are happy without one. But then there's those that need one, can't find one themselves and for them, marriage may well fill that void. That's fine and ok, as long as they leave me out of it, and that includes leaving the tenets of their imaginary friend out of anything that may affect me, be it education, legislation or noise in the form of people screaming I should go to prayer or bells ringing in my ears.

In other words, a spouse is something lovely, just don't make a marriage out of it.

A cat gives people who need a purpose in their life one. Some people find one without a cat, others are happy without one. But then there's those that need one, can't find one themselves and for them, a cat may well fill that void. That's fine and ok, as long as they leave me out of it, and that includes leaving the tenets of their imaginary friend out of anything that may affect me, be it education, legislation or noise in the form of people screaming I should go to prayer or bells ringing in my ears.

In other words, a cat is something lovely, just don't make a pet out of it.

Posting vacuous comments on Slashdot gives people who need a purpose in their life one. Some people find one without posting vacuous comments on Slashdot , others are happy without one. But then there's those that need one, can't find one themselves and for them, posting vacuous comments on Slashdot may well fill that void. That's fine and ok, as long as they leave me out of it, and that includes leaving the tenets of their imaginary friend out of anything that may affect me, be it education, legislation or noise in the form of people screaming I should go to prayer or bells ringing in my ears.

In other words, stupidity is something lovely, just don't make vacuous comments on out of it.


Comment Re:First? (Score 0) 128

It turns out that pretty much all biological processes are disgusting. Some people can't cope with this and become reclusive germophobic stuck-ups. Other people accept reality and find ways to be happy about it.

Incidentally, yours was not the first post, and the fact that you gave your post a title suggesting that you cared about getting first post tells a great deal about your maturity level. Not that it matters, you will get modded troll and your post will be read by hardly anybody.

Hi. Not sure wtf you're talking about, but I, for one, find beastiality repugnant. Apparently, you don't.

The post title was referring to the first cross-species orgy. But if your display of your ability to comprehend is any indication, you never had a chance of seeing that.

I thank the mods for correctly determining that I was trolling neanderthals and those that practice beastiality... and I'd do it again, proudly. Mod on, bitches.

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