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Comment Re:And they said Java was dead! (Score 0) 155

> Yes, you can call me bitter now.

Lol. I call you a desktop weenie. The Enterprise space is totally pwned by Java. Just cause you don't have it in your start menu doesn't mean that Java (and C) doesn't run all the heavy lifting you can't see behind the Web.

Pwned ? get off your Dad's computer, and come back when your balls drop.

The only thing Java dominates is CPU load.

- Dan.

Comment Re:And they said Java was dead! (Score 1) 155


At work we are migrating clients away from a java based platform as fast as we can. The Oracle/Sun marketing front can infest all the blogs and news sites with it's marketing drivel till the cows come home, only senseless newbs out of college will sacrifice what may have been a budding career to it.

Yes, you can call me bitter now.

- Dan.

Comment Re:Curious (Score 1) 295

The heart to heart with Mom or Dad implies that children ever get to see their parents for 3 to 4 hours per night before going to bed. And even this may be occupied by homework, sports, dinner or doctors visits. Most parent's only know their children's names because they *gave* them the name in the first place. Much less what's going on in their lives to be able to connect for this 'heart to heart'. Raising children has devolved to dropping them off at the best state daycare-in-school-disguise they can manage to live close to.

If there is at least one parent not working and staying home to be with the kids after school chances are they won't be starved for attention in the first place.

- Dan.

Comment Re:Uhm... (Score 0, Troll) 83

Good actions lauded yes, but scant praise can be found for a rapist that has just helped a granny across the street. Nor does a few acts of benevolence outweigh a lifetime of ill-deeds.

These items are all debatable and often subject to public opinion, but one thing is certain; for the time being we all have the right to express ourselves, being a free country and all. You have no authority to tell anyone to keep their trap shut.

- Dan.

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