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Comment Another idea (Score 1) 477

Sometimes it is hundred times easier to solve a problem by communicating urgently, even after work, than in the morning.

For example, a colleague from another city arrived at the airport and for some reason does not know the name of a hotel. She needs just one word from me.

Or something like this. Just one or two words, and a week of calm work afterwards.

Comment Re:Umm , thats unlikely to happen (Score 1) 393

The Earth emitting readable radio transmissions about 100 years.

Since we cannot detect signals from other civilizations, it means that this period does not last long. Perhaps, we are also close to the bottleneck.

Just devastation of planet's surface does not stop radio transmissions. Radio is simple and robust technology. It should be something else.

Certainly, it could be that humanity is unique in the Universe, and the Civilizations' Bottleneck theory is not valid.

Still the Universe's Great Silence is disturbing, seeing how many worlds are out there.

Comment civilizations' bottleneck (Score -1) 393

As soon as physicists solve the problem of antimatter the antimatter bomb will be created.

It will be the size of a coin and could literally destroy literally a quoter of a planet. This is how civilizations end in the Universe.

And that is why we do not hear any intelligent radio transmissions from other star systems.

Comment only really secure communication (Score 3, Insightful) 68

Go to the stadium in shorts and t-shirt, freshly washed (and dried indoors). Wear new style running shoes with very thin sole, as recommended in Scott Jurek's "Eat and run".

Talk while walking via woods or a park, among trees.

Not phone, no watch, no camera, no heavy clothing.

And speak quietly anyway. Still it does not guarantee privacy.

All other talk or messaging are public. It is a new brave world where there are no secrets.

Comment 100 foam plastic balls of orange color (Score 2, Insightful) 233

Why about 100 foam plastic balls of orange color with a plastic orange flag and LED light (blinking for 3-4 months after contact with water) cannot be placed inside the fuselage on an aircraft which costs hundreds of millions?

The size could be of a tennis ball, an additional weight and cost almost zero.

Comment Re:Warning Shot (Score 1) 148

Anyone else think this is a shot across the Russian bow? Demonstrating to the Russians that the US really does control space even if we have to bum rides to ISS at the moment?

Seriously? The US does not even control its inner cities. Have you been in Detroit, in Trenton, etc. lately?

Instead of such "Star Wars" the money could be better spent to tackle the severe social problems at home.

Comment Re:the real America (Score 1) 284

But the Food and Drug Administration has no say as to how prepare Chinese food. And the New York court distributes judgments about Chinese web sites.

It is because that they think that they have a moral high ground to do so. My argument is that I doubt it, that there are serious social, economical and other problems at the USA as everywhere else.

My point is that there should be peaceful international cooperation based on equality.

Comment Re:the real America (Score 1) 284

Yes, I agree there are very serious social problems in China. But the same is valid for the USA too.

I saw areas in the US cities where people are just hanging en mass on the streets days long, obviously unemployed. There are also a lot of homeless people, incredibly many.

Certainly, there are well-to-do communities, even gated communities. But it is not like the USA has nothing else to do to improve inside its own country and just has to concentrate on China and the other bad apples.

Perhaps, it shall improve the world via itself? By an example?

Comment the real America (Score -1, Offtopic) 284

I've been in China and I've been in the USA.

There are places in San Francisco, even in central part of the city, where it is just scary to walk. The same about the LA and NYC.

Certainly the USA is a great country with immensely interesting culture, still there are serious social, racial, economical problems there, perhaps, even more acute than in China.

At least, I do not remember being scared just to walk in a city in China.

America has got a very efficient advertising and propaganda machine, probably, this is what makes the difference.

Comment classic desl telephones (Score 1) 198

Desk telephones were in the beginning produced only in the USA, UK, and Italy. Later they were produced everywhere.

I think we need open source hardware and software for mobile devices. Like it is already done with PHP, GIMP, OpenStreetMap, etc.

I realized only by now how important these Open Source Software movements are. We should really support such projects. This is our vital interest.

Comment Re:PHP (Score 1) 254

I would say even more. Any language has its weaknesses. Even Great English Language. For example, a tower dispatcher says to pilot: "Turn left. Right now!"

Comment Wrong camera in principle (Score 1) 56

GoPro camera is a wrong choice for the UAV. It has a display. But at the UAV there is nobody to look at this display during the flight.

Still a display adds to the weight. And the weight of the UAV is crucial for flying inside the city. If UAV weighs 100 - 150 grams then it is safe, if 1000 - 1500 grams flying is extremely unsafe for people and property on the ground.

A new ultralight HD, wide angel camera is needed for UAVs. Then they could be used inside the city for mapping, surveying, etc.

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