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Comment Moving data centers into patriarchal countries (Score 2) 312

The NSA surveillance is the serious damaging problem for business. And not only for the US companies. The usage of the cloud SaS, say, the Google Apps for Business could be very profitable for a company, but the internal opposition is bringing in the data security issue. The say, - first the company data gets into hands of a rogue government official, then later it could be sold to a competitor.

However, moving data centers to patriarchal countries could be even worse. The data centers would be periodically stopped by government officials to check sanitary conditions (as a pretext).

All the servers could be taken out by trucks to check for an illegal content. The employees of the data centers would be hired via nepotism system, so up-time would be not great.

The US officials are not perfect, but at least they could be called reasonable. In patriarchal societies the cloud computing model, the data centers, would not work at all. We would be obliged to switch to the silos model of desktop documents once again.

Comment Re:Nine, eh? (Score 1) 153

What is an alternative to a random person? A well-organized corporation? Then we would be still stuck with IE4.

Learning to write code, specifically to write extensions is a good investment.

Firefox is my favorite browser, and I would like to thank the Firefox team and congratulate with the ninth anniversary.

Comment Re:I'm for this (Score 1) 394

I would not agree with that. There was a medical tent with highly experienced medical professionals near the finish line. Otherwise the number of killed would be much more.

Nevertheless, I would agree that more people are killed in Boston in traffic accidents. And nobody really cares about it. Like installing speed control in the cars.

Comment Just wait... (Score 1) 610

I remember living in the USSR. It seemed that it would last for at least a thousand of years. Elections were won by 99% of votes, after all.

But if something is wrong, as it certainly was with the governance in the USSR, it will surface sooner or later. Even if at first people are scared and vote 99%.

Comment world before Snowden and after, - B.S. & A.S. (Score 3, Interesting) 247

Snowden demonstrated and proved the reality of the computing and networking. It Is much bigger than CIA, NSA, and even the USA.

Modern computing allows to organize effective mass surveillance. It is not only about the US government. The technology itself is inherently dangerous. It registers ans sees everything, and forgets nothing. The 1984 is hopelessly outdated and over-passed.

Snowden is like Jesus of the new era. He is hated, crucified, persecuted, but the jinn is out of the bottle. We know now.

He did not receive Sakharov's prize, but it had been exactly what Sakharov did, - truth at any cost.

Submission + - Internet and computing in post-Snowden world 2

Max_W writes: Edward Snowden has not received any international award. Neither the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, nor the Nobel Peace Prize.

Snowden had stopped releasing any new documents and stopped giving press-conferences. We had a glimpse under the hood, into the machinations of the world, and it seems to be over.

So, is jinn back in the bottle and we can carry on as before with "secure computing", "unbreakable encryption", "safe browsing", "social networking", etc.? Or are the Internet and computing will never be the same again?

As for me, I am a bit worried nowadays anytime I switch on a computer or smartphone. Who or what is lurking beneath a glossy hardware and graphical user interfaces? How can a feeling of security could be returned? Or are the Internet and computing in general inherently unsafe?

Comment Re:Not creating energy (Score 1) 377

Solar energy converts energy from the nuclear reactions in the sun into electricity.

There is a nuclear reaction going on in the center of the planet Earth too. We would not be able to live without this process. It would be too cold and too much radiation would reach us from space.

There is a hot iron-nickel ball rotating in the center of the Earth. It creates magnetic field around our planet, which protects us from space radiation. Fortunately, the radiation from the nuclear process at the center of the Earth does not reach us either.

In principle, any energy has its source in a natural nuclear reaction one sort or another.

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