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Comment Re:Good code (Score 1) 598

Well formatted does not mean beautifully formatted. There are principles and rules of formatting. There should be consistency, rigor, character, attention to details.

One should see and read well formatted code as if from an aircraft, from above. An error or deficiency becomes obvious from the first sight.

Comment Re:Remember all those years of Linux on the Deskto (Score 1) 183

When a large organization gets involved into a software project it changes the project too.

French Republic can and probably will do a lot of good stuff for Linux community too. It will not just use it for free and enjoy it.

French civilization is universal. It brought metric system to the world, ideals of Great revolution, etc. When it starts moving, the word watches. I expect much more form this initiative.

Comment Re:WWW (Score 1) 406

I do not mean that the commercial approach is bad. It made such giants as Microsoft, Apple, IBM, etc.

But the WWW was much much bigger, it changed the human civilization. It made the Internet what it is now.

It was an scientific exploit, simple and elegant, equal to the ones of Nicolaus Copernicus, René Descartes, Dmitri Mendeleev, etc. And it was also produced by a scientist-engineer.

Comment Re:WWW (Score 1) 406

Computing and networking research was going on everywhere in the world. But the grand idea, which made it a global, international phenomenon, was generated by an engineer-physicist at the CERN, in Europe. And the CERN administration wisely and bravely released the WWW into the public domain.

It did not happen in the USA. And it is well documented. The USA was and is playing the important role. But it was simply not the place where it happened. And I do not believe it could happen. It would be patented, put in a silo, sold in small pieces.

Comment Re:WWW (Score 1) 406

From the topic article: "...pushing to shift the power dynamics of the World Wide Web away from a US-centric model for years."

The point was that it did not begin as "US-centric", that it was non-US from the very beginning. It was international, including the USA, that is why it is called Internet.

Comment Re:It's already non-US (Score 1) 406

Everyone can and does make a mistake from time to time. There should be a serious redressment and reconfiguration of the current NSA's practices. And the USA should continue to be a part of the international Internet community.

Not an exceptional part, but, perhaps, substantial or even leading.

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
