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Milky Way Is Surrounded By Halo of Hot Gas 121

New submitter kelk1 writes "If the size and mass of this gas halo is confirmed, it also could be an explanation for what is known as the 'missing baryon' problem for the galaxy [...] a census of the baryons present in stars and gas in our galaxy and nearby galaxies shows at least half the baryons are unaccounted for [...] Although there are uncertainties, the work by Gupta and colleagues provides the best evidence yet that the galaxy's missing baryons have been hiding in a halo of million-kelvin gas that envelopes the galaxy."
Open Source

Submission + - iControlPad 2 - The Open Source Controller (

YokimaSun writes: "Over on Kickstarter a new project has been announced by the people who brought out the OpenPandora Console. The iControlPad 2 is an open source controller with support for the likes of iPhone, Android Phones, Ouya, Raspberry Pi and anything that has bluetooth or USB Connections and features 55 key Qwerty keyboard, Shoulder buttons, Twin analogue nubs, Dpad. The Kickstarter campaign is now halfway to their $150,000 goal with 18 days to go."

Submission + - Shared Learning Collaborative offers two $75K bounties for open source apps. (

OSDiva writes: "Ever wish you could directly contribute to improving the use of Technology in Education? The Shared Learning Collaborative (SLC) has announced an offer of $75K for each of two Apache 2.0 licensed open source applications aimed at the US K-12 Education market making use of a RESTful API released this past summer by the project. SLC is a non-profit funded by the Gates Foundation, Carnegie Corporation and CCSSO. They are holding a series of "Camps" to bootstrap public knowledge of the project and the APIs, including one in Boston next weekend that just before the bounty submission deadline of Oct 2."

Submission + - Facebook France showing old private messages on some users' Timeline (

obarthelemy writes: Since midday, it seems some French Facebook users are seeing old private posts/messages pop up on their public Timeline. This has major /popcorn potential, if you've ever used FB's private messages to exchange secrets, talk behind someone's back, have an affair... or even talk business.

Facebook denies this being a security issue, so it's probably a bug. It's being investigated, in the mean time users are advised to disable the Timeline feature.

Cue ruminations about whether entrusting important communications and data to a third party that doesn't offer any king of guarantee, except the guarantee that it is selling them on, is wise.


Submission + - Romney-Ryan Space Policy Fails to Impress

RocketAcademy writes: "The Romney-Ryan campaign has released a white paper on space policy, which observers find to be long on criticisms of the Obama Administration but short on specific recommendations.

The policy promises "a robust role for commercial space," but it's clearly a supporting role: "NASA will set the goals and lead the way in human space exploration."

When it comes to space, both parties put government ahead of private enterprise. Some see a parallel with the policies which are driving space companies out of California.

Newt Gingrich, one of the few politicians who thinks seriously about space, says the policy is a step in the right direction but not enough."

Comment Re:Ubuntu desktop is dead to me... (Score 2) 255

Quite right. I never understood the appeal of Ubuntu, excepting when it acted as a strong emergency cd for hosed systems --- at which it was excellent; it's sudden lunge into Unity, like Microsoft's equal panic into Metro, seems both pure fail and stormy petrel of future accepted, planned-for, managed decline.

Oddly there are a few Linux 'personalities' who appear to actively favour Windows methodology, not to mention Microsoft's undoubted power, and wish either to join with them ( and be subsumed if the history of MS is anything to go by ) or become indistinguished from them. Personally, I have not the least objection to collaboration between operating systems ( as MS feared, such sharing would erode MS's leverages ), but if I wanted to use Windows I would, and not a Windows clone.

Since both KDE and traditional Gnome are perfectly usable, not to mention other managers, I doubt if the decline of Ubuntu thanks to Unity and other excitable ideas such as this will amount to more than a footnote in Linux history.


Iran Blocks Google, Moves Forward With Domestic Network Plans 134

hlovy writes "Iran moved forward with their previously discussed plans for a domestic version of the Internet over the weekend, as government officials announced that Google would be one of the first websites to be filtered through their state-controlled information network. According to Reuters, officials are claiming that the country's self-contained version of the World Wide Web, which was first announced last week, is part of an initiative to improve cyber security. However, it will reportedly also give the country the ability to better control the type of information that users can access online."

Did Microsoft Know About the IE Zero-Day Flaw In Advance? 123

judgecorp writes "Microsoft issued an emergency patch for a flaw in the Internet Explorer browser on Friday, but there are hints that the firm may have known about the flaw two months ago. The notes to Microsoft's patch credit the TippingPoint Zero Day Initiative for finding the flaw, instead of Eric Romang, the researcher at Metasploit who made it public. ZDI's listings show its most recent report to Microsoft on 24 July, suggesting Microsoft may have known about this one for some time. The possibility raises questions about Microsoft's openness — as well as about the ethics of the zero day exploit market."

Submission + - Boeing 'Phantom Eye' Hydrogen Powered Vehicle. (

gilgsn writes: The Boeing Company has begun to build Phantom Eye, its first unmanned, liquid-hydrogen powered, high altitude long endurance (HALE) demonstrator aircraft. “The essence of Phantom Eye is its propulsion system,” said Darryl Davis, Boeing Phantom Works president. “After five years of technology development, we are now deploying rapid prototyping to bring together an unmanned aerial vehicle [UAV] with a breakthrough liquid-hydrogen propulsion system that will be ready to fly early next year.”

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 149

I'd look into Orange --- from what I understand they don't care for non-residents registering ( though they used to, and may still do, allow an hotel as a valid address ) --- but here is their Camel Pay-As-You-Go sim, if you hit show details you can see the rates for each country which average 15p a minute ( but 6p for the USA ). You could prolly get someone in England to post you one, or buy one off If there was difficulty registering to a non-British credit card ( and that's not a given ), nearly every other damn shop in Britain sells top-ups for all the sim providers. Alternatively, starter packs of sims are sold in stores, but those would not have cheap roaming. Here are a couple of quite recent links discussing this problem: The latter affirms: 'Buying a SIM card when you get to London from a local operator, such as Orange, can offer even better deals. Orange offers a variety of service options for prepaid customers. In general, domestic calls range from 30 cents to 40 cents a minute, depending on the exchange rate. (All calls are billed in local currency.) And texts are about 20 cents to send and receive. With a special international plan, customers can also make international calls for as low as 10 cents a minute. Orange also offers free text messaging for customers when they "top up" or add money to their phones. One plan offers 300 free text messages with a 10-pound top up. And you can get 600 free text messages with a 20-pound top up and a 30-pound top up gets you unlimited text messages until the card expires.'

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