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Comment Re:Unschooling rocks (Score 1) 1345

Poor argument. People don't care only for their paycheck, otherwise they would be working much longer hours.

Among other things, they care about status, and having no clue what your friends are talking about is bad. They care about impressing women and some knowledge is useful for this (*not* technical knowledge, *not* professional knowledge, *not* knowledge signaling immaturity)

Comment Unschooling rocks (Score 1) 1345

How many of us earn a living using skills they learned at school ? Certainly some of us do, but I bet a large fraction don't. I personally don't... my most marketable skills are computer science and statistics, I learned these by myself and never attended a course in these subjects.

Reading and counting are the base curriculum, the rest should be left to follow one's interest.

Comment Not 3d (Score 1) 249

Hum, where did I put my pedant hat... hum not here, not here... ah there we go. Hum hum

That's stereoscopic television, not 3d TV. I personally don't enjoy that much stereoscopic images, they don't look really believable to me. Stereoscopy is only one way we build a 3d model of our environment, the parallax created by our recent movements creates an accurate map too. Sure if you lose an eye, you'll have much poorer depth perception, but you won't lose it all. If you cover one eye, the world outside doesn't start looking like a TV image immediately... if you stay still for a long time it will, because you forget the parallax information you gathered.

Look at the wii headtracking videos on youtube... even though you're looking at a video of a guy simulating 3d on a video screen, it'll look 3d.

A real 3d TV would be holographic... it's waaay more complicated to make than movies this way. Rendering 3d animation in holographic format is doable but would require much more memory and rendering capabilities on the playback machine. The device is also much more complicated to build, but with 3 colored laser and a dlp system fine enough to change the phase of each pixel, it's doable.

To the point... where's my holographic tv!!

Comment LAN (Score 5, Insightful) 520

There's been talk that Starcraft II would not support LAN. The reason I am a fan of Starcraft and want to buy Starcraft II is I spent many many hours playing it in LAN cafes. People will be doing LAN with pirated version anyway, they'll just run their own battle.net server locally and the only thing you'll achieve is piss off other consummers with a crippled product. Why oh why?

Comment life expectancy and health (Score 1, Insightful) 1053

hat the new analysis reveals is the reality of two Americas, one on par with most of Europe and parts of Asia, and another no different than a third-world nation with the United States placing 41st on the 2008 CIA World Factbook list, behind Bosnia but still edging out Albania

How much of that is due to homicides? How much is due to car accidents? The study does not seem to control for these factors. It's pretty much rubbish. How much of that is due to selection bias ?

I too can take the distribution of age at death, cut it in half and argue that the lower part's age expectancy is dramatically lower than the upper half.

People doing these studies are quite often bozos which start from the answer (we need socialism and redistribution) and work backward.

Comment Caring about privacy (Score 1) 166

People who really care about their privacy do not yell about privacy law. They use secure systems, they keep their life private.

I think people who are vocal about privacy are just trying to signal that they have interesting lives. If your life is boring and common, it has very low information entropy. By hinting that you have some private information, they're often trying to imply their life is interesting. And when they're done yelling, they twitter what they had for breakfast.

Comment Totalitarianism (Score 1) 166

We need comprehensive data privacy laws, protecting our data and communications regardless of where it is stored or how it is processed. We need laws forcing companies to keep it private and delete it as soon as it is no longer needed, and laws giving us the right to delete our data from third-party sites. And we need international cooperation to ensure that companies cannot flaunt data privacy laws simply by moving themselves offshore.

And snazzy uniforms for the global information police I guess...

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