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Comment Re:It would be inequal to provide equal rewards (Score 3, Insightful) 673

As a white male, my standardized test scores were not quite enough to qualify for certain scholarships, special programs, etc.

A black male classmate of mine, with lower test scores, did qualify for all kinds of stuff based on those test scores plus his race...

I prefer it being "spelled out in black and white" minority race, disadvantaged sex, poverty background, whatever, as long as the rules are written and followed.

So much of life is decided based on unwritten, subjective decision making that so often boils down to these factors, but is unspoken, and can also hide nepotism, and worse.

Comment Re:Sex discrimination. (Score 1) 673

Funny, I've worked in a bunch of different jobs since the 1980s, the stats ran like this:

Factory intern: lots of women, all in assembly. Repair techs were all ex-Navy and all male. Managers were all male. Out of 500 employees, there was one token male assembler and one token female manager.

Grocery stocker: all stockmen were male, all baggers were male, all managers and department heads were male, all cashiers and the office girl were female, except for one flamer... this is a major chain with hundreds of stores, they're all staffed basically this way.

First "real" job: hired as the 4th male in an all male software department, adjacent to 4 other males in electrical, serving a production floor that had 4 male engineers and techs, plus 2 women who did wire wrap. Later added one woman in QA, three more doing assembly, and a string of all male software interns.

Big company, R&D engineering, 30 people, 28 male engineers plus 2 "documentation specialists" who seemed like secretaries to me.

String of small companies, roughly 80 engineering like colleagues in total, one female.

If it's illegal, there's a whole lot of law breakin' goin' on.

Comment Re:Sex discrimination. (Score 1) 673

Discrimination by sex is allowed in more circumstances than race, religion, disability, etc.

Discrimination by age is even more permissible, but still forbidden in some circumstances.

For particulars, consult a lawyer familiar with the case law, and hope he's not lying to you to push his own personal agenda.

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