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Comment Re:Windows 8 reverts the hosts file (Score 1) 230

Or better yet...turn off Windows Defender and disable the services it needs to run. Yes, Windows will complain at you. But you can forcibly turn off those warnings as well. And if the warnings do pop up and annoy you, you can disable the service that shows the warnings as well. It's my computer, I will do whatever I want to with it, and the OS will let me, or I will modify it until it does.

Comment Re:It's just a mater of time... (Score 2) 150

I'm not against the idea of cameras in my house. What I am against the idea of is cameras in my house that are not under my control. Cameras that I have full control of, that I can control access to (and limit to myself), preferably connected to my Linux server (which again only I have access to) - perfectly fine. Cameras that some random third party can access? nope.jpg

Comment CFL (Score 1) 196

I converted my entire apartment to CFL approximately 10 years ago. I have moved once since then...when I did the conversion I saved all of the incandescent bulbs the apartment complex put there, and just put them back when I left and took my CFL's with me. I have about 8 incandescent bulbs under my sink for when I move again (the apartment doesn't get to keep my CFL bulbs). I've had to replace...1 CFL bulb since then. I am thinking about converting to LED's, but I haven't seen the need to replace perfectly good CFL's. When they do eventually die I will probably replace them one at a time with LED's.

Comment Re:Custom routers (Score 1) 474

Yep. I actually don't have Comcast...I had Insight, which was then bought out by Time Warner (service has improved dramatically since TW took over by the way). The modem that was originally provided me was garbage and didn't support any of the higher speeds. Although, when it was Insight, it didn't matter, because they neglected the network for years until TW took over (the fastest speed available was 10mbit until the TW takeover, it took them a year but it's 50mbit now). I just went and bought a Motorola SB6141, not only do I save the $6/month, I have a much better device, so when the 50mbit service was made available all they had to do was upgrade my service.

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