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Comment Re: Umm... Lulz.... (Score 1) 253

lol.. Not really. It would be no different then them buying US dollars, exiting the Eurozone, creating a crap currency, then converting back into their crap currency. It needs nothing hard at all. Any paper or fiat currency will work.

Greece will not have to export anything, all they will have to do is find someone willing to sell. That's where a bit coin operation would work. They purchase bitcoins from whoever sells, when they exchange them back out, it's the current exchange rates. Whoever sells them can purchase hard assets or take the loss or do whatever their scheme allows.

Greece could purchase gold and do the same. Using a crypto currency only allows that to happen without having to purchase the asset themselves.

Comment Re: About right (Score 1) 246

I appreciate the attemp to bring light to something you see as a wrong in society but no one seems to be disputing the fact that we are talking about the commision of a violent crime ( robery even if violence wasn't involved) and legal penalties where Ms. Richards' situation came about (if your version is accurate) from social expectation/normalities, panties getting bunched up and the reactions to it. I do think there is a distinct difference here. In theory at least, with the criminal version there is an appearance of fairness.

Comment Re: About right (Score 4, Interesting) 246


Suppose someone robbed you with a .45 but they claimed it was just a BB gun when caught. Does that make you a fool for belirving the BB gun could kill you when you went to the ATM and withdrew the max your accout allows to stop this guy from killing you?

The problem is not if the weapon could cause harm but if you believed it would and thereby was forced to act in ways you wouldn't to protect your life.

Comment Re: Umm... Lulz.... (Score 1) 253

I don't think you understand the concept.

If they create an exchange with a current crypto currency and conver all their money to it except what is needed from day to day, then drop out of the Eurozone and create their own dollar, each crypto dollar will be the value of the crypto currency used. If their created dollar is worth 1/10 of a Euro and each crypto dollar or coin is worth 2 Euros, it will bring in 20 Drachmars when cashed out.

The key is a current crypto currency. It will be backed by something other than the state. the other option which is virtually identical is to convert it to a foreign currency then convert it back. Except the later is subject to manipulation and fees imposed by the banks- some of which will be butt hurt over the defaults when they leave the Eurozone.

Comment Re: It looks like (Score 1) 241

The US army seems to not be on the field of battle right now. Obama is sending signals that he will not use ground forces outside a few discrete surgical strikes. It's mostly an air war.

What a lot of these people believe, and this goes back to the 12'er sort of reasoning is that major battles will happen in historic religious places (as their interpretations of religious texts indicate). All the beheading and so on is to try to lure a large army into battle in these places. This threat on a mall is to lure the US army or the "Armies or Rome" into battles in these places that will supposedly cause someone to reenter the fray and start Armageddon.

Comment Re: Umm... Lulz.... (Score 1) 253

A crypto currency would be like buying gold to hedge against the inevitable inflation or devaluation of the currency. It wouldn't be a matter of printing more, it would be a matter of will this dollar still buy a dollars worth of something if the value is cut in half. But with a crypto currency, the initial scarcity could be negated if there was a one time creation of enough currency to cover the expected load and the key would be destroyed (or useless) and unlike investing in gold to hedge the value, it wouldn't temporarily increase demand and costs initially. I'm guessing that instead of creating a new currency, they would just create an exchange with the help of other exchanges.

So during and after the fallout, some currency could be exchanged back into whatever dollar system is in place as needed and it would be at the exchange rate in comparison to a more stable dollar (like the euro or USD) instead of holding a dollar that is worth only 25 percent of it's value 10 or even 2 years ago. OF course this will make purchasing more crypto currency units more expensive as you would need to spend 4 times as much but it would lessen the shock of whatever is to come. And on another note, if the finance minister adopted and used a specific crypto currency through their exchange, they would also have records of who can be taxed and perhaps those records would be more complete than what they have now (I hear tax avoidance in Greece is rampant).

Comment Re:Does not work (Score 1) 260

Porn likely isn't the problem even if addicted. Its kids learning that its ok to tie a woman up and shove things into places they do not normally see. Its in little sally seeing that its normal for school girls to have sex with old men when before anyone notices she is at the age someone should be having the talk with her.

Its about exposure, often by mistake (looking for sometjing else or followkng a link) before the parent or child is able to deal with it or even understand the situations.

Comment Re:OpenDNS (Score 2) 260

Not really

When i lock down a network via DNS, i also block the dns port at the router andbusually eiyher require a connection to a proxy or on site DNS for any traffic that leaves the network.

Now when i do it, its generally a small business concerned about data theft and has had issues with trojans or some malware in the past. All this can be done with cheap linux server as the router/gateway or even with most of the open source ots router fitmware replacements. I have not had to set ul wifi with one of the oss firmwares jn years but i found it easier to just connect an accesd point as a bridge after the rrvice rather than using the drbice wifi. Maybe things have changed since them though. But simply changing the DNS of the browser would get you an error page.

In another note, i relly on little more than the safe search filters in the search engines for my kids. I'll deal withnit if they start looking for inappropriate content when ut happens. Just don't want it offered to them when searching for their favorite singer or something for school. There are for instance several ways you can fat finger tribalism in a search box and get some very wonderfull results. (Tribadism)

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