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Comment Re:Problem #1: Usage Cap (Score 5, Insightful) 184

Problem #2: Liability

In my country, the owner of a router can be held liable for the data transmitted throught it. If some anonymous user uses an open WiFi connection to download child pornography or hacks the pentagon servers, the owner of the router can be held atleast partly responsible. I don't know about regulations in the USA, but I'd damn well make certain the law protects the owner of a router before advising them to open up the connection.

Comment Re:FYI: remove from Youtube not from 'Google' (Score 1) 364

Baby YouTube; "Our users can put whatever video they want on our site, we're not responsible if it's copyrighted music".
Pubescent YouTube; "We'll remove copyrighted music videos, but only if the copyright owner complains".
Mature YouTube; "We'll remove any video containing your music if you don't let us sell your music".

Let's hope it dies before it gets any worse.

Comment Re:So glad it's over (Score 2) 151

Standard consumer goods practice; always make sure you have atleast one ridiculously expensive version.
Doesn't need to be any better, just far more expensive.
There's always people who associate "expensive" with "good" and some can even afford it.
Same goes for TV's, Hifi equipment, musical instruments, tools, sports equipment, cars, etc...

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