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Comment Re:Not yet statistically significant (Score 3, Interesting) 408

No it is NOT a selling point, because NO ONE is selling these cars yet.

You may not be able to buy them yet, but they're certainly already selling you on the concept of it.
The fact that we're talking about it here demonstrates that the marketing department for these cars is already in full swing.

Comment Re:Same way (Score 1) 182

Not quite the point you're trying to make here, but why not just print out the website and patent it?
Doesn't need to be an invention or novel or anything; modern patent offices will rubberstamp anything, and it'll be available for atleast several decades after you die or until Disney goes bankrupt and can't bribe politicians for extensions any more.

Comment Re:Maybe C developers are more honest (Score 5, Informative) 264
Javascript wins.

PHP developers prefer murdering kittens:

Some other fun facts:
C developers are most ashamed of their code:
PHP coder don't fix bugs:
C developers' code actually get worse as it ages:

Java developers seem to have the most trouble getting their code to work:
Not surprising:

Disclaimer; not corrected for any type of bias or error, of which there are many.

Comment Re:Maybe C developers are more honest (Score 1) 264

Or maybe they're simply aware of what is ugly and what is not.

I develop PHP for a living and a while back I encountered a styleguide which said you should give function arguments. Code like 'function f($a, $a, $a) actually works in PHP. This in itself this as insane enough, but... some developers are retarded enough to require a styleguide to tell them not to do that. You think any of those developers will be able to tell the difference between an ugly hack and good, clean code?

My guess is that most of this is just down to C developers generally having a better understanding of what is and is not ugly code.

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