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Comment Re:No lyrics. (Score 3, Informative) 181

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Keep repeating! Remember, your mind does not control you.

Being aware of things means you are operating on a conscious level. If you're "in the zone", you are operating on a subconscious level. All your conscious thoughts are directed towards a singular task. Spotting whether you're "in the zone" is not part of that singular task, therefore you will not notice it until you come back out of it. If you are noticing it, part of your brain must still not be focused on the singular task, therefore you are not completely "in the zone".

The very act of becoming aware of being "in the zone" triggers your brain into no longer being "in the zone".

Comment Re:Insurance (Score 1) 217

This may present another problem.
If the insurers rate projects differently and offer different insurance rates for each project, this insurance rate would effectively become an endorsement of sorts.
Also, I don't think there's anything preventing individual kickstarter campaigns to offer such an insurance if they want.

Comment Re:When will slashdot follow? (Score 1) 187

Facebook has just turned 11 years old a few weeks ago.
Most people who joined facebook in their teens are no longer be teens.
How can it still be called a "teen phenomenon"?

If you seriously don't know what the moderation system of Facebook looks like, you don't get out much.
It's demonstrated on pretty much every website, on TV and radio commercials and shows. Even paper media will tell you how it works.

Go back to your hipster coffeebar and don't come out until you've grown your own opinions.

Comment Re:Bugs in Win 7 UI (Score 4, Interesting) 516

Atleast getting the delete file error is quick.

I continue to be amazed by the slowness of some other common file operations,
1. Select a lot of files and directories.
2. Drag them to another folder to start copying.
3. Wait a few seconds and cancel.
4. Wait 15 minutes while a window shows "Cancelling...", during which you can't really do anything.

Why does it take so long to cancel file copying? It has to delete a single (partial) file at most.

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