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Comment Re:Yep here we go again (Score 1) 443

I am an European citizen, and therefore only have indirect knowledge of the situation in the US.

If you look at the data, there seems to be two approaches that work: gun control and education.

Gun control in the US seems to be something that will take several generations to produce any effect, given the enormous number of guns out there already.

Education usually takes only about 15 to 20 years to produce societal effects. Reality is, countries such as Switzerland and Israel also have extremely high gun ownership rates (government mandated) and very little gun criminality. But just compare the education systems...

Submission + - SPAM: World's Largest Direct Air Carbon Capture System Goes Online

An anonymous reader writes: The largest carbon capture facility in the world is slated to come online Wednesday in Iceland, amid growing skepticism over the technology’s role in addressing the climate crisis. The Orca, a direct air capture plant constructed by Swiss carbon capture company Climeworks AG, with support from Microsoft, started running Wednesday around 20 miles southeast of Reykjavík.

The facility is made up of eight air collection containers, each holding several dozen cylindrical fans, which pull in ambient air and filter carbon dioxide from it using a filter, according to the Climeworks’ press materials. What’s trapped is heated, mixed with water, and pumped deep underground. The plant would pull 4,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the air per year in total, which the company anticipates would be stored for “thousands of years.” Their process is proprietary, but it’s part of a broader form of carbon capture called direct air capture (DAC), a method of geoengineering that’s become controversial in recent years for its dubious efficacy and practicality. DAC proposes to slow climate change by sucking greenhouse gasses like CO2 directly from the atmosphere, DAC has splintered environmentalists, some of whom laud it as a potential savior, while others call it as a costly, risky distraction from meaningful emissions distractions.

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Submission + - Rutgers University bans unvaccinated from virtual classes ( 1

mi writes: A New Jersey student has said he is barred from taking classes at Rutgers University because he has not been vaccinated — even though he is only studying virtually from home.

He was locked out of his Rutgers email and related accounts, when he went to pay his tuition at the end of last month — and was told, that he needed to be vaccinated, even though he has no plans to attend in person.

Comment Re: Where is the opposition to Google/Microsoft ++ (Score 1) 61

I admit I am out of my depth here so, honest question: for hashing to be an effective strategy wouldnâ(TM)t they have to use algorithms resistant to cropping and tampering such as this: If so, could this potentially lead to a picture of a picture still triggering the algorithm? Will be thankful for any explanation!

Comment Re:Where is the opposition to Google/Microsoft ++? (Score 4, Insightful) 61

Ok, I will spell it out for you.

There are so many attack vectors that could potentially destroy the life of an iPhone owner that it's not even funny.

I am not a Cybersecurity expert, but here you have a couple I have devised on my own:
1. I know your phone syncs with iCloud. If I have temporary (about one minute should be enough) physical access to your LOCKED phone, I can take pictures of CSAM imagery, for instance, from the screen of another device. Next time you unlock, those get copied to your library, synced with iCloud, and your life is destroyed;
2. I know your phone syncs with iCloud. I know you have auto-download enabled on IM (Whatsapp, for instance). I send you 30 images of CSAM in the middle of the night, so you don't actually see them, and then delete them from the Whatsapp chat. They get automatically downloaded to your gallery, synced to iCloud. You wake up the next morning with a SWAT wake-up call. Your life is destroyed.

Two examples I just came up with. I can probably create a couple more, again, with no cybersecurity/hacking/whatever expertise.

Scared already?

Comment Re:Good timing (Score 1) 55

Let me put here a couple of scenarios for you. #1. Someone has temporary access to your phone. Takes a couple of pictures of CSAM photos displayed on another phone. When you, unknowingly, unlock, your life is ruined. #2 Someone sends you a couple of CSAM pictures on an IM you have auto-download turned on, and then proceeds to delete such pictures from the chat. Your life is ruined. And I am not even a security expert...

Comment How easy to destroy someoneâ(TM)s life with t (Score 2) 63

I think there is an angle most comments are missing: how easy it becomes to destroy someoneâ(TM)s life. Let us see two scenarios. 1. You have access to someoneâ(TM)s phone for some seconds; 2. Take pictures of child porn using that phone while locked (for instance, of pictures stored in your own phone); 3. Put the victimâ(TM)s phone back. Now when they unlock the pictures you took will be copied to the gallery and uploaded to the iCloud without the victims knowledge. Scenario 2: 1. You know (or assume) your victim has the auto-downloading of pictures enabled on some IM app; 2- Send incriminating pictures at a time the victim is unlikely to be using the phone. The photos get copied to the gallery; 3- Delete said photos on the chat to both you and the victim. The victim will only see some erased messages in your chat. By the time they notice the pictures in their gallery, it will be too late and it will be up to them to prove they are not guilty. I can come up with other scenarios. And people better versed in security will too.

Comment How easy to destroy someoneâ(TM)s life (Score 1) 145

I think there is an angle most comments are missing: how easy it becomes to destroy someoneâ(TM)s life. Let us see two scenarios. 1. You have access to someoneâ(TM)s phone for some seconds; 2. Take pictures of child porn using that phone while locked (for instance, of pictures stored in your own phone); 3. Put the victimâ(TM)s phone back. Now when they unlock the pictures you took will be copied to the gallery and uploaded to the iCloud without the victims knowledge. Scenario 2: 1. You know (or assume) your victim has the auto-downloading of pictures enabled on some IM app; 2- Send incriminating pictures at a time the victim is unlikely to be using the phone. The photos get copied to the gallery; 3- Delete said photos on the chat to both you and the victim. The victim will only see some erased messages in your chat. By the time they notice the pictures in their gallery, it will be too late and it will be up to them to prove they are not guilty. I can come up with other scenarios. And people better versed in security will too.

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