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Comment Re:What if they had broken Microsoft up? (Score 4, Insightful) 225

.net, which is so complex that they had to implement autocomplete to make it usable.

Yes, .NET is complex, or rather it has a hell of a lot of libraries. That, however, is not necessarily a bad thing. It saves you from having to reinvent the wheel every time you write something.

As for needing autocomplete to make it usable, personally, I think that autocomplete and the graphical debugger are two of the best things to ever happen in programming. It saves me time, makes my job one heck of a lot easier and allows me to be more productive.

You may learn the value of that sort of thing some day.

I wish that more development environments had usable autocomplete. As much as I love to use Ruby for writing scripts, my main complaint about the IDE I use for it (netbeans) is that it *doesn't* have autocomplete for Ruby unless they've come out with a new version recently that does.

Comment Re:awww poor casinos (Score 4, Informative) 462

You're forgetting one very important place in a casino where it is possible to consistently win if you're good - the poker tables.

There you aren't playing against the house. You're playing against other players, and the house doesn't care how much you win because they get a cut of every hand. For a casino, poker is essentially free money with no real risk. For a player, it's a game with much better odds than ones you play against the house if you know what you're doing.

Just be sure to go during the day when the resident sharks are asleep (they only tend to come out at night). There's still plenty of action, and a much better chance of leaving with more money than you walked in with.

Comment Re:Just giver her Windows 7 (Score 1) 479

I haven't been able to play with Win7 since I don't have a spare machine sitting around, but if it performs that well on that hardware (which is similar to the laptop I'm using right now), I'm honestly impressed.

Hopefully it remains in that good a state, performance wise, and doesn't have the DRM, etc problems that Vista has when it gets released.

Comment Re:Oh no (Score 2, Informative) 218

I've seen a few that were also caused by a program writing to a place in memory where it shouldn't have had access. I should know; I ran into a bug in Visual Studio 6 that caused one of my programs to wander off into system memory and crash the system it was running on while I was still in college.

It worked fine in Solaris, but using VS on Windows, it started crashing random programs, and then, eventually, the operating system. It was kind of neat. heh

If I remember correctly, it was some strange scoping problem with VS. It's been years though.

Comment Re:Oh no (Score 0) 218

Like I said, in the years that I've run XP for myself and the places I've worked, I've had 2 (maybe 3) blue screens and those were not long after release. The reason was that the drivers at the time choked, but once those were fixed, I've never had a problem with them.

It's pretty impressive actually.

Comment Re:Bad Logic (Score 1) 342

Sorry about that. I've been dealing with a lack of electricity for the last few hours coupled with digging things out of close to a foot of snow and ice. I think my brain is a little frozen lol

Comment Re:Bad Logic (Score 1) 342

Not to be overly pedantic in this thread on semantics, but... 14ft/sec^2??

That's how they used to teach it in schools before the big switch to metric. In fact, it's still the way that my father says it.

Comment Re:Great, more fuel to the flames (Score 1) 158

Actually, as a TA you should also have the ability to bring it to the attention of the department if the professor doesn't do anything about it. Most engineering departments take a dim view of cheating. The one at my alma mater ended up uncovering cheating that had occurred a few years prior when a student was, I believe, researching a thesis.

He reported his findings, and the dept dug deeper. I think they ended up pulling the degrees from a few people.

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