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Comment Re:Shipping Costs, Etc. (Score 1) 377

That would be an excellent point, if each of those trucks only carried a single item then went back for the next one. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happens when most people go shopping -- their car makes the trip just for something they could have carried in one hand, instead of a UPS truck making a single circuit of its route and delivering hundreds of items along the way.

Airbus Planning Transparent Planes 488

goG writes "European aircraft manufacturer Airbus has come up with the idea to build a passenger flight with a completely transparent fuselage. The central body of the aircraft will allow passengers to the see the stars above and city lights below. 'The planes of the future will offer an unparalleled, unobstructed view of the wonders of the five continents — where you will be able see the pyramids or the Eiffel Tower through the transparent floor of the aircraft,' Airbus said while unveiling the concept 'The Future By Airbus' earlier this year."

A Close Look At Apple's A4 Chip 245

PabloSandoval48 writes "Apple's A4 processor is heavily influenced by Apple's long-established relationship with Samsung and represents an evolution rather than a revolution in circuit design. A team of experts takes a look at the evidence on A4 in an attempt to determine its origins and the influence of recent Apple acquisitions in the area of chip design."

Rocket Racing League Showcases New X-Racers 39

FleaPlus writes "The Rocket Racing League demonstrated two of their new 'Mark III' X-Racer rocketplanes at an air show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Besides making for a fun show, the League also pushes the boundaries for reusable and easily maintainable rocket engines. (The X-Racer's liquid oxygen and ethanol rocket engine was made by John Carmack's Armadillo Aerospace, which recently released a video showcasing some of the rockets they've launched and landed in the past year.)"

Comment Re:RE : MIT Making Super Efficient Origami Solar P (Score 1) 140

We know they help convert Carbon Dioxide back into Oxygen, but we don't know how exactly.

I'm not sure what you're talking about -- the exact procedure plants use to take in carbon dioxide, and emit oxygen gas, is mapped out in as much detail as any part of science I know of; it includes the multi-stage fate of individual electrons!

Wikipedia, as usual, provides a high-level overview:


Star Wars: The Old Republic Sarlacc Enforcer Class Unveiled Screenshot-sm 27

Today BioWare unveiled the most impressive new class yet seen for their upcoming MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. Sarlacc Enforcers are "paragons of patience and planning, always waiting for the right moment to pounce on their quarry – even if it takes one thousand years." Gamespot had an interview with the game's developers to get a clear picture on how such a unique and innovative class was designed. Quoting: "Well, this is a stealth class, so the soloing experience of the Sarlacc enforcer is going to be a little slow. [This character] spends a lot of time slowly sneaking into position before unleashing potent close-ranged attacks, such as 'devour.' But once exposed, the enforcer heavily relies on companion characters to lure enemies close, so he/it can unleash his/its close-ranged attacks. However, the enforcer shines in a group, especially when paired with a Jedi consular that can knock enemies toward him. At this point, the Sarlacc enforcer can use his/its powerful suite of damage-over-time abilities, like 'digest' and 'regurgitate.'"

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
