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Comment Re:Bah hah hah (Score 1) 120

Not selling phones in one country (and.. not refusing to sell phones, just not being allowed to) for the reason of protecting your customers' security when every other phone company had already caved?

Yeah, I'm sure that wouldn't have helped their sales anywhere else.

Comment Re:know what I miss? (Score 2) 127

We had those in my state as well. They were awful.

First, they had a "master lever" so that people wouldn't have to think about their votes (except for the non-partisan races that people using the master lever often neglected...)

Even more egregious was that the commit action was tied to the curtain release lever, so people who needed help with something would sometimes (maybe as much as half the time...) pull that to open the curtains, ending their vote, and it was not reversible.

The final tallys had to be read from a paper tape, and I don't envy anyone trying to do a recount on miles of calculator ribbon.

Finally, they were gigantic and heavy, so we only had a few per precinct, leading to long lines everywhere.

I do not miss those machines.

Comment Re:I'd love to have a self driving car, but... (Score 1) 454

There are plenty of self-driving trains, the surprising thing is how many aren't yet. Planes are essentially self-driving now, at least runway-to-runway. I don't see any technical reason why they couldn't be gate-to-gate. An airport is a controlled environment, so it should be easier to keep track of the ground traffic.

Comment Re:If you're not driving and not owning... (Score 2) 454

Because the cost of a taxi is mostly the cost of the driver. Cut that out and taxis become an economically viable replacement for more people.

No one can deny that there are a number of circumstances where taxis are more convenient that having to deal with your own car. Cost and other factors get in the way.

Comment Re:Hmmmm (Score 1) 186

Ok, but I'm not sure that it's an insult then. If his shows became garbage, that implies they had a period during which they were not garbage preceding the garbage period. In other words, a period existed, however briefly, when they were not garbage. Frankly, that is a pretty good record for anyone in the television business.

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