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Comment Re:Enjoy! (Score 5, Insightful) 333

Fascism, with its merging of corporate, political, and military power, is almost complete in America. Too much 'rah rah USA, we so free, we so great, god just loves United States !', from a young age. Brainwashed people don't see it coming. Those who do go crazy trying to get others to see it. Even today, people who own a car, or a home, or even a business think they are part of the ownership class. They cheer the corporations on as if they will benefit. They believe they are part of the people who own enough wealth to create international policy, national policy, and military support of that policy. Silly people, they think they are part of the rich, when all they make is hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. If you aren't making governments bend to your desire, you are not part of the ownership class.

Comment Evil scientist (Score 0) 338

First they give everything more names to confuse things. How many things can there really be ? There was one ark. Everything fit on the ark. That things appear different is just a miracle from God. I'm waiting for the story to break that there are actually far fewer gods than the average fox viewer thought there was.

Comment odd (Score 2) 225

I would think that if I, chose, to photograph my home. I would also get to chose what is visible in the yard, through the windows, in the drive, etc. I can chose to share photos I chose to take, any way I want. I took them, they are how I want my property presented, they don't invade my privacy. Having Google driving onto my property and take photos is completely different, and the judge seems to agree. I would have awarded them more than $1. They need to find something they authored in the street view photos, and then sue Google for copyright infringement for each use of the image. I hear that copyright infringement can get tens of thousands of dollars per shared item.

Comment Re:Is it on another planet? (Score 1) 405

Still carbon based life. This is about the phosphorus in the backbone of DNA and high energy particles like ATP being replaced with arsenic. A non carbon life would use Si instead of C for example. In the wild these bacteria use phosphorus. In the lab they prefer phosphorus, but can be forced to use arsenic.

Comment Re:What's the deal with the rush of TSA stories re (Score 1) 1135

In the same boat as you. This year I plan to make a huge scene. Either yelling ""Stop molesting them, HELP !", or "HELP ! He is Touching My Penis! HELP !" I did not sign away my rights as part of the business transaction that took place between me and the airline I bought my ticket from. I won't fly again. I looked at train for the same trip. 5 extra travel days, $40 more. Worth it for me from this point on.

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