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Comment Re: I'm curious (Score 1) 85

If I thought it possible you might one day breed I would tell you to wait till you have a 3 year old with a fever of 104-105, 102 after both tylenol and ibuprophen, who sits quietly whimpering because everything hurts, and see if you feel comfortable waiting two days to see if it's serious.

But we both know that's never going to happen, so go ahead and fume over some mythical worldwide rate increase caused by my daughter's 4 ER visits over a 6 year period.

Comment Re: I'm curious (Score 1) 85

If we know it's the flu we can care for her normally without the looming fear it's something worse. Gives you the chance to wait till the clinic is open instead of wasting a trip to an ER that has the motto "If it ain't broken bones, don't fix it."

That's half our doctors trips, finding out it's something we just have to let run its course. But we still need to get those tests done to know that.

Comment Re: Motivated rejection of science (Score 5, Interesting) 661

Couple years ago the University of Wyoming took down a large sculpture on campus well before its planned exhebition run was done because the oil industry felt it was insulting. I'm pretty sure "don't bite the hand that feeds you" was an exact quote from a state official demanding it be taken down immediately.

Comment Re:Phones yeah (Score 1) 227

Charging is the current hangup for electric cars. Mainstream is addicted to the ability to drive any distance they want with one vehicle and be able to refuel in 10 minutes at any gas station of their choosing.

Give someone an electric car with a 1000 mile range and they'll complain about having to stop for 8 hours to recharge it in the middle of their 2000 mile roadtrip they totally plan on taking one day. Having to stop for 8 hours to rest after 16 hours of activity is totally unacceptable from a car.

Comment Re:NOTABUG (Score 1) 96

First update will bring their newly patented One-Word checkout.
Just say the same of a movie, song, or product and it will automatically search and purchase it for you. No annoying keyworld like "ok google" required, the feature is always on and always parsing your conversations for products to purchase for you.

Second update brings predictive ordering. Fire TV will automatically purchase any and all products it thinks you may want, playing movies before you know you even want to watch.

Comment Re:It's not arrogant, it's correct. (Score 1) 466

Plus, no ISP would want to drop their revenue. So expect a static "line maintenance" fee pretty close to what you already pay and a per gig rate that brings a normal user up the rest of the way.
Of course "normal" usage would be calculated by cutting out the extreme data users (as defined by people who use 100x or more the data as the lowest user, which would probably be an inactive connection or a restaurant that logs maybe 100meg a month running credit cards). Sure that would account for 90% of their customer base and make any statistician vomit, but that's irrelevant and should not be discussed by right of trade secret laws and DMCA takedown prenotices and you will be sued and thrown into liars prison so be scared and be quiet before you get labeled a terrorist for interfering with god given right to profit.

Yeah that last bit kinda ran away from me.

Comment Re:A bit misleading (Score 2) 149

I really doubt a AAA with a 300 person team is going to purchase a game engine for a multi-million budget AAA title by going to a publicly accessible web store and queuing up 1 pro license + 299 team addon licenses and plunk down a credit card for that $151,000 bill.
Just guessing here, but the same sales team that processes their console licenses will probably give that AAA different licensing prices and terms for a huge order like that.

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