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Comment Re:71 seconds.. (Score 1) 449

I won against a number of people with exactly the same (move by move) game

No, you didn't - Carlsen didn't just play e5 Nf6 Ng4 Qh4 and Qxh2 (the basic Scholar's Mate from the black side). This game was nine move pairs, and included Gates playing Bd3 with his queen pawn still on d2 (a seriously weak move). I suspect that when Carlsen saw that move he knew he could just march his knight and queen over and checkmate Gates with no particular effort required. I think Carlsen only used about 10 seconds on his clock (of the 30 seconds he got - Gates got two minutes).

Comment Re:Cheap architecture + short cuts = DOOM (Score 1) 250

What the CEO really said was

We eliminated the malware in the access point

Which is completely different than "POS malware" - note he said the access point. I'm still betting this is an inside job, and one of their central billing computers had a little extra code in it that was sending the info across the net to some holding site.

Comment Re: Cue the climate change deniers ... (Score 1) 684

One way or another these changes will effect PEOPLE, and sitting in Arizona hiding behind your AC is only going to last so long before RESOURCES have to be reallocated for another 50-100 years DIFFERENTLY than they are now.

Or, as Zippy would put it:

Boys, you have ALL been selected to LEAVE th' PLANET in 15 minutes!!

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