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Comment Not too surprising (Score 4, Insightful) 145

Many developers ARE famous. If you're a dev who created some very popular/well known open source framework, you probably have an army trying to get to you. You're basically a celebrity, and in the extreme case may have to end up dealing with things like one.

My employer has been trying to build a front end team recently, and willing to pay whatever it takes and remote work is fine. But even getting in touch with some of these people to be able to say "Hey, name a number, we'll give you that number" is near impossible, because they shut themselves out with all of the normal recruiters trying to reach them.

Then you have the "not famous, but very good" devs. The average shitty dev still get a seemingly infinite amount of recruiters reaching out to them. The ones that are actually good? Yeah, its crazy. And if they don't want to go to work for a well known company (ie: Google), and actually have to poke around the market to find a good match, it can be more work than a full time job and a half. If you're looking and have an actually useful recruiter under your belt, its helpful, but at the end of the day they don't work for you. Having someone who actually does? Why not.

Comment Re:Oh Sure this will work in the US....eventually (Score 2) 186

And yet your card still worked, so it had a magstrip. And when I go back home to visit family (I'm canadian living in the US), my american cards work fine up there too. So someone could still clone your card, and use the copy. The only thing making it a little trickier is the fact you don't have to hand over the card, but there are ways around that (like a hacked up terminal). There are also vulnerabilities in the chip cards.

What is really protecting you is that the bank will cover your ass if something happen to it. This is also why no one gives a damn south of the border: pretty much no one ever really gets hurt when their card gets cloned. Call the bank and it will be done and over with 2 days later.

But with the chip cards, banks tend to be reluctant to help when your card gets owned. They still generally take care of it, but you have to argue a bit more.

So really, in the end it doesn't change a whole lot. Its easier to exploit magstrips, for now. And then you have all the chip cards that have NFC, and that's a whole other can of worm.

The one thing I'll give you is how its fucking annoying to have someone run away with your card at the restaurant, though some restaurants do have it (ie: Legal Seafood)

Comment Re:Block off programmatic access to cert trust. (Score 1) 113

Woo, and now a company can't have its own internal CA deployed automatically. And how would software with their own certificate store (ie: Firefox doesn't use the system store) be able to harden itself so much? Its just a piece of software like any other.

And its probably not a "globally wildcarded certificate" that's deployed to the browser, its just a CA. And if a CA is trusted, it can sign arbitrary certificates. You want to be able to do this automatically at least in corporate environment, and manually for development tools.

Comment Re:Or... (Score 2) 286

As someone in a relationship of 11 years and going (about half of that married) with someone I met online... The thing with starting with someone you know meet face to face, is that the first criterias that got you together is physical location and possibly physical appearance. The former is definitely convenient, the later is necessary to most people, but neither are usually the first thing of importance for a potential long running relationship.

If the first thing that gets you with someone is some kind of mutual interest (in my case, it was videogames and computer science interests), you start from there, there happens to be physical appeal too, and then you fix the location, things are much more likely to work out.

You can do that in person to with specialty interest groups (ie: I could have met someone at PAX or something...), and things can go wrong if you do it wrong (pick someone by their picture on, but generally, it seems to be by far the easiest way to go, meet online by interest.

Comment Re:Note that this is a little different from softw (Score 1) 207

If I put up a torrent of your favorite game, but I hacked up the internals so its different in a way that you can't tell them apart to screw you over for my own would be pretty bad.

In the same way, if when you come to buy my copy of some miniature, and you can't tell them apart, but an expert can look at it and notice I made it out shittier material or I wasn't quite faithful to the original.... someone would be pissed.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 252

At this point Uber is known mainly for UberX, but that's not their only product, and its not even how they started either.

I started using Uber for Uber Black, which was (and still kind of is) a mid range/upscale product, depending on how you look at it. Its not the product that gives them their crazy valuation, but there's still more to Uber than walmart-model taxi.

Comment Re:Given what people use them for, I'd say no. (Score 1) 207

I'm more worried about collectibles. Its niche, but a niche a lot of people on this board probably feel for. Its bad enough with figures and stuff, trying not to get ripped off at conventions or online... Soon it will be rampant.

That said, the vast majority of use will probably be for commodities anyway... Whoops, all my forks are in the dishwasher, time to 3d print one (when the printers get fast enough to make stuff in a pinch)

Comment Note that this is a little different from software (Score 4, Informative) 207

For software, generally speaking the copy is exactly the same as the original. No one collects software (only their medium), and its unlimited.

Even with 3d printers, objects are limited (you can't copy them indefinitely, you'll run out of material), and right now at least, until star trek replicators happen, they're not the same as the original (unless the original was 3d printed too i guess). There can be difference in qualities, and the originals may be collectibles... just like a painting can be replicated, but its the original that's worth something.

So being able to tell the originals from the copies apart kind of matters this time around.

Comment Re:This is not a mindshare all (Score 1) 319

There's a 4th reason that gets tossed around that I've never seen actually validated with the idea of "reusing code on the backend and the front-end" but I've never seen a case where that was actually a good idea since it involves exposing so much logic.

In a lot of fields you basically don't have a choice but to render stuff on the server side, for SEO, initial performance, etc. Depends on the field, but in giant e-commerce and whatsnot, you don't really get to choose here. So thats a given. Thus, if you want to be able to use javascript based either duplicate code, or you go isomorphic.

With stuff like React or Meteor, isomorphic isn't that hard. So its becoming semi-common, when it makes sense.

Comment Re:No such a battle (Score 1) 319

Node processes its own logic in 1 thread, but it still has multi-process support. So you can use clusters to have multiple instances running at once, or go old school with spawn/fork. It does confirm what you said: it is an old technology as far as multi-core goes, and you're not going to be writing a ray tracer this way.

For I/O intensive load though, just use clustering to have 1 instance per logical core and you're golden.

Node's claim to fame is really just its async-first I/O design. Some other environments are bringing that in now, along with a strong threading model (ie: .NET, between almost everything new being async by default, and the async/await coroutine syntax), but the culture/ecosystem around it aren't following. Also, if your only easily parallel tasks are I/O bound, you're not getting much more out of it than you would in node.js.

Node however, is NOT simple, it just looks simple. Its absurd stream design and error handling alone means that on any reasonably complex application, you need to be one hell of a debugging guru to figure out whats wrong. A junior dev will run home crying, while the same things in most other languages are pretty trivial.

If you're not building a scripting tool (ie: a css compiler or something), don't need javascript on your server for isomorphic apps and you don't benefit from the threading and I/O model in your workflow (ie: your app is CPU bound), stay far, far away.

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