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Comment Re:A big fat idiot (Score 1) 564

internet providers are regulated to provide fair and equal access to the 'net for everyone

Sounds good... until you read what democratic senator Al Franken actually said about Net Neutrality: "how long would it take before the Fox News website loads significantly more quickly than the Daily Kos website?"

Ummm... if that's what "net neutrality" means - that every website must load at or about the same speed - take my name off the petition. On today's internet, Fox News can purchase space on a CDN, for example, that will allow them to load significantly more quickly than the Daily Kos website. I can't even think of a scenario where the U.S. federal government dictating how bandwidth may be allocated and sold could lead to anything good.

Comment Re:finish this (Score 1) 279

Yeah, when I hear somebody say "torture", my mind immediately goes to medieval stuff like pulling fingernails, thumbscrews, the rack... so when I first heard that US troops were "torturing" POWs in Guantanamo, I thought, "This is terrible! America doesn't do that sort of thing! We're better than that!"

So a few weeks later, the details started to emerge - the first "torture" I heard that they had applied was... flushing pages of the Koran down the toilet.

Seriously? Maybe we need to clarify terminology here a bit.

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