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Comment I don't believe fining it the correct punishment (Score 1) 74

I don't believe fining it the correct punishment. I mean go ahead fine me, its not my money anyways. I really think that was travesty of justice the person in charge should be suspended or fired. One government office fining another is a slap in the face of the taxpayer who pay the fine.

Comment Re:Like it or not Comcast is correct (Score 1) 341

I agree unlimited internet should be just that. See the problem isn't Comcast or the rest of them Its our law makers who allow them to twist words Unlimited means something very different then what it really means. Or 100% pure juice isn't and doesn't mean 100% pure juice. Keep voting in businessmen and lawyers looking out for there own interest nothing going to change. But Comcast is right, they don't have caps

Comment Like it or not Comcast is correct (Score 1) 341

Like it or not Comcast is correct. They don't have caps, they don't shut the people who go over their allotted bandwidth. They make them pay for going over the allotment. Word games but Comcast in this point they are right. But they are doing so much more wrong, like steal peoples electricity and make them pay for the privilege everything they do is bad lol.

Comment Re:There is no public benefit (Score 1) 300

Educated you to what? the real finality of death? the brain matter flying everywhere is an educational thing to see Because its the real truth? So if we don't see the actual bloody brain matter flying it just might not be true? And just think the people who made the movies made millions by showing real death, did they donate all the money from the death series? Did the family members get a cut? How about that Korean shot in the head the guy who did it was not sorry one little bit he said he would do it again today so what did that murder prove besides shock? has it stopped wars? hell no, has it stopped Murders? Hell no, Has it stopped executions?Hell no. So so far videos of real death has done ..nothing at all. Because nothing has changed nor will it. Humans are vicious being they kill for a few dollars or a torrist will kill for religion everyone has there reasons. we don't need to see it it on the 5Oclock news every nite or at the local movie house

Comment Re:There is no public benefit (Score 1) 300

I wouldn't blame the Internet this desensitization has been going on in the movies and theaters for 50 Plus years. Each year getting more life like up to today where you couldn't tell the difference. Im watching movie right now called Act OF Valor, the murder of the 30 Plus kids was blocked out except for the few frames of an armless kid. Or the bullet holes in the terrorist head look real to me. I was once a hunter so I have seen the real devastation of what a bullet does.Desensitization is already a fact. And Games are tame games Like Battlefield or Call Of Duty don't show any graphical killing. Movies and TV shows murder in all its glorious bloody mess, we have already been desensitized But not by the Internets doing

Comment Re:I forced myself to watch it (Score 1) 300

"The world wide uptick in antisemitism (and antizionism) is a direct response to Israel's treatment of Palestine."

Israel has the right to protect itself and if that means taking land used to launch missile no matter how poor they are is in there right. Why are there no other Muslim nations coming to the aid of the poor peaceful Palestinians?

Comment Re:I forced myself to watch it (Score 1) 300

You are no expert and you have no right telling anyone they don't have a right to free speech because that's what you just demanded. You should be marked as a anti free speech troll. Viewing a beheading makes you an expert and gives just YOU the right to comment on why it should or shouldn't be shown? Public executions stopped in the USA many many years ago for a reason. This poor mans murder isn't an educational video moron. and how about the Family what about their rights? Oh wait the ones who didn't watch it don't have right to comment. According to you.

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