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Comment We already have them (kinda) (Score 2) 318

The Phalanx system on US navy ships is, once activated, pretty much automatic. Anything within it's radar envelope automatically gets a dose of 20mm cannon fire. It's designed to take down anti-ship missiles, but will engage pretty much anything moving towards the boat that it's radar can pick up.

Comment Re:Taxation (Score 3, Interesting) 253

My favorite story about Greece's problems:

In the 90's a governmental committee was formed for the sole purpose to close a particular dam. After a decade, the dam was closed and demolished. That committee still exists. They don't go around closing other dams, they, I assume, just make sure the dam is still closed.

Source: Planet Money

Comment Wilderness State Park (Score 5, Interesting) 99

The quietest place I've ever been is Wilderness State Park in Michigan in the fall. No wildlife, an extremely quiet white noise coming from the lake - it was strange. Bryce Canyon was pretty quiet, too, but Wilderness is strikingly quiet. It's also a "dark sky park" so the stars at night are phenomenal.

Comment Re:Climate models (Score 2) 264

I thought there was a paper out late last year saying they didn't find any heat reservoirs in the oceans - at least none that could account for the predicted increase in surface temperatures. I heard someone speculating that the reservoirs could be deep in the ocean, which would be really weird since warmer water generally stays near the top.

Comment Re:Some clarification for the recently arrived. (Score 1) 716

Gentoo? Oh, please, bitch. Gentoo is for ricers. Period.


I have better things to do with my time than to compile every single shitty utility on my system.

emerge pciutils

Whoo boy what a pain.

Gentoo can be systemd'ed as well

But it doesn't have to be. Your choice. Or do you run Linux so the distro can tell you how your system is to be run?

Arch is the Gentoo of the 2000s.

You mean 2010s?

Comment The problem isn't science (Score 5, Insightful) 958

The problem isn't science. The problem is science reporting. A study making come claim makes for a catchy headline. Problem is, it's just one study, usually calling for more studies with guidance at the end. That's the bit that's usually left out.

A few years ago a European health organization did a huge study of cell phone safety. Thousands of trials across dozens of countries over the course of a decade. Of the thousands of trials - ONE showed a *possible* correlation between one form of cancer and cell phone usage. What was the headline? Study shows that cell phones cause cancer! What was the official conclusion of the study? Cell phones probably don't cause cancer, but the one trial should probably be re-run just to make sure.

Comment Re:Farewell, TRS-80 (Score 2) 242

I always thought Heathkit was more futuristic than Radio Shack. In the late 80's the one by me had multiple Hero robots roaming around the store greeting people, all those weird H-80 machines hooked up to stacks of packet radio gear (connect to other computers wirelessly!) Home automation equipment. And, in the early 90's when they started carrying Apple gear, they had a fully decked-out Mac II with every peripherial you could buy for the thing - external hard drives, tape drive, CD-ROM, stereo speakers, color screen, graphics tablet, LaserWriter AND Imagewriter on a network. Probably $20,000 worth of gear back then.

Comment Re:Are there any brick and mortar parts stores lef (Score 1) 242

There are loads of independent parts stores around me, but I live in job-shop-land (small companies that do short production runs of industrial control panels / tools / etc...) There's a store, still in business, where I grew up that still has a tube-tester. They're more like the REALLY old-school Radio Shack. There's one on the other side of the city that carries nearly every component you could want.

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