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Comment Re: My stuff got hit by this. (Score 1) 495


This is what I have done for my dynamicIP issue:

Register a subdomain with or or

Next goto your real domain registrar or edit your own DNS server and create a CNAME for a subdomain that points to what you registered.
e.g. ->

Just be aware that it has no rDNS.

Next, create a script that updates your IP whenever you notice it changes using this script:

So, for my purposes: I heavily restrict ssh on my C5 servers to specific domains/IPs using shorewall.
Whenever my IP would change i risked getting locked out and had to resort to a jump host.
Now, instead I have a shorewall param that sets some var to and a rule that permits ssh using that var.

Then just run a cronjob to update the IPaddress on a regular basis.

Hope this helps.

Comment Re:the Putin stage (Score 1) 294

I know you probably won't see it, but it is entirely the Financial Industry's fault; that
includes Investment Banks or those that act like

Here's the back-story; it starts with time-shares.
Do a google search on "David Siegel"
Sure, it was about making money; but it was more
about "everyman's" ability to 'own' a vacation

Take the results of the time-share industry,
commoditize it even more, turn the buyers into
profit-centers, sell that to the newly budding "investment" society and you get Wall Street
lobbiests and lawyers crafting both the opinions
and laws the bought-off politicans create.

It's pretty easy for the willing get chumped, but
this package was far to toxic by half. Pure greed.
From top to bottom.

Comment Re:That's not it. (mostly) (Score 1) 126

I mostly lurk and seldom reply to anon.
But I'm compelled to say
Well Spoke, and thanks for the forethought.

Perl was the reason I started wrapping my brain around regular expressions. Later in the 90's I build complex backends using cgilib. Tried a few frameworks like mason..... I became a perlOphite for all the sentiments you expressed so well.

The ease of cpan, of quickly manipulating DBI tables, so many reasons why it, and its attitude,
always works for me. Off a CLI, wrapped up in a shell script, part of a larger pipe; I just cannot imagine using another interpreter as painlessly.

Specially for admin stuff and my personal libs of
files/data which require maintaining.

That said, were I a manager today I'd see the
sense in concluding that python, ruby, a compiled
lang, .... would have a better outcome from the
devs; despite my personal aversion for each of them. Enforcing Delimiters does not good code guarantee and makes editing others' code in vi more tedious (or macro'd). Maybe if I were an IDE
type of guy.

I found my time spent adopting/trying/using rails/passenger/gems/mongrel less warm-n-fuzzy
than squating in the cpan/perlmonkworld camp

I feel Perl epotimizes the LAMP stack, the finishing touch of what, for me, was a process
(mentioned earlier) of learning OS as much as CS
and appreciating the many ways to do one thing.

But not all programmers feel drawn to broader systems and from that narrower perspective more structure makes infinitely more sense.

For those who might say perl is a hackers language
I would heartily agree. Its where it's genius lies.

Comment Re:in this thread (Score 1) 155

"Organized" Protest has changed more governments in the last 15 years than ever before.

Just google Gene Sharp. His formula has been adopted by the underclass world-over. He and his book have been declared "emeny of the State" in banana republics world over (incl Russia).

His 1st Directive: Have a solid strategic plan.
Wish OWS leadership followed his advice.

Comment Re:Soldier (Score 1) 737

I suspect edge weapons will be the norm; "loaded" being the keyword (and the ammo-makers being in short supply cuz its not the 19th century).

And just for honorable mention, since i haven't seen it come up in the threads (yet):
"transition-town" - google it.
They (the membership) have had their eye on this particular ball for quite some time now

Comment Re: Ridiculous. (Score 1) 914

Coincidentally enough, this weeks' episode of "Hannibal" introduced the concept of "brain-driving" as using light/sound to induce a state of epilepsy. Meme's been around (like uv/bbeats...) awhile but 1st i heard it called that.

Seems to me trippin time means increasing FPS on all senses; gets old fast.

Comment Re: Ridiculous. (Score 1) 914

Using your comment to go on record with my own; my feeling on capital punishment isn't so much about rehabilitation vs vengence as much as it is the suffering induce in our methods of killing.

FFS, it would be cheaper and kinder to put me in front of a firing squad, give me the piece and I'd do myself first. Why state murder can't follow the same tack as (phys) assisted suicide. A tank of helium and the cost of a plastic bag.

Killing anything should reflect the dignity and heart of a society as much as those it condemns to death row.

Comment Re:Summary (Score 1) 89

Technically, E is a DE as much as it is a WM
If you cared to install entrance you have a decent alternative to KDM/GDM/LXDM....
It's pretty nice; i only wish it did XDMCP as well as KDE.
One thing that makes E indespensible for me is the remote tool and that despite the ominous 'something bad' message, restarting never fails.

Combine E with compositing a la ecomp/ecomorph and the result is a pretty stable system that's worked for me for ages. And like all DM/WM's not as smart as i wish they would be.

Comment Re:So, cue up.. (Score 1) 462

Anarchism firstly believes that everyone has a right to exist. That means/implies a right to homestead; own and manage land for sustanence.

You are correct that anarchists do not believe in leaders, per se. Because it leads to heirarchies and patronages.

That is not to say there are no leaders, only that they are driven from below AOT above and everyone participating has a seat/voice at the table.

Led or Leaderless, even the dumbest anarchist understands the need for strategic planning. Its more then about how the planning gets done and executed.

I know of few, if any, real anarchist communities; but the coops and guilds come close; the stories of the Basque Mondragon is a good model perhaps, as is the work currently being done in S.America

Comment Re:So, where do you want Snowden to go ?? (Score 1) 315

Snowden was a 'glitch' in a system trying desperately to scale up to its global surveilance potential knowing that Russia and China both were soon to be in the info-wars race; they believe that one/other/both will be the opponent in the next 'big' conflagration (prob China).

I suspect that they (???) truely believe the USA will be severely dis-advantaged, competitively, for badly-needed resources in the years to come.

"They" represent the will of our Establishment and as wrong as they have been about everything else, I count on them being wrong on this as well.

The Black-Swan, the Blow-back, the counter-intuitive solution waiting in some mind's eye. We sorely lack good, visionary, leadership. What we have is cautionary CYA piss-poor managers
who see everything as a control issue.

Snowden, at worst, is a refreshing wind to tumble this house of cards; at best, hs is the spririt of "doing the right thing" that should make Americans proud.

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