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Comment Re:End copyright and all kinds of IP protection to (Score 3, Funny) 386

I spend money on music alright.

I go to concerts.
I still buy CDs and concert BluRays
I subscribe to 2 music streaming services

But that's MY choice. I shouldn't be REQUIRED to part with money to listen to music. We have the technology available that allows anyone to download any song they want for free. Streaming services offer free options.

RIAA should just stay out of the way.

Comment End copyright and all kinds of IP protection too (Score 3, Insightful) 386

They stifle innovation and hold back our society. Let inventors and creators duke it out. Whoever has the best ideas with the best implementation sells more and makes the most money.

Music and movies are an art form, like painting or literature. All works should be free as in beer, and revenue should come from live performances and donations. Let the public decide what they want to hear and how.

Fuck you RIAA / MPAA.

Comment Re:Xbox One games on PC (Score 1) 66

GFWL was a marketing gimmick to boost the PC gaming market. It sucked beyond suck, and I usually bought GFWL games then downloaded the pirate version SPECIFICALLY to avoid dealing with the GFWL garbage.

It never allowed us to play Xbox 360 games on the PC.

This seems to be different. Here's hoping...

Comment Lawyers rejoice!! (Score 0, Troll) 114

I fail to see what kind of financial loss Lenovo customers might have incurred over this incident to warrant a class action suit.

Business customers use their own system image so they're unaffected by this malware.

Home customers get to see different ads on their screen besides Google's own Adsense garbage. BFD!

This leaves us unscrupulous lawyers, who'll get all the money while customers who registered their machine will receive a $50 mail-in rebate on their next purchase.

Comment Re:I don't want VR entertainment (Score 1) 74

Your great great great grandfather was long dead when Pong was invented.

Seriously, can you imagine ANY setting (besides an arcade parlor, which are few and far in between nowadays) where a gaming VR headset makes sense? Are you willing to buy more than one for when friends come over to play VR Wii sports? Are you going to plug it in a car's 12V accessory adapter to play during a long trip?

Comment I don't want VR entertainment (Score 2) 74

Call me old fashioned, but once I get home from work, I want to sit on the couch, grab a gamepad and a beer, and play games. Not jump like a fucking monkey, not wave hands in the air like a cheerleader, etc.

VR seems to be more work than fun, especially if you want to get the fully immersive shebang, which will likely require that 360-degree treadmill thingy and a nice surround sound system.

Thanks, but no thanks.

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