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Comment Re:Oops! (Score 5, Insightful) 255

So the assumed front runner for the Democrats isn't credible when speaking about foreign policy? Not saying she's the best for the job, and you may not agree with her policy ideas, but her being a First Lady, a Senator, and a Secretary of State, you have to give her some foreign policy chops. Much more than any state governor may have.

I will give Jeb some chops just for hanging with dad and W, but not much.

Comment Re:Downtime [Offtopic] (Score 2) 85

Speaking of points of failure. I was helping out at a site that our corporate overlords purchased (makes things for airliners) that had an old SGI server that had one HD in it that is the boot device. They know nothing about SGI nor how to back it up, they don't have support for it. They say this is mission critical.

Fuck me running.

I think I'll have to build up a BSD box and dig through the garage for an old Adaptec SCSI card, maybe I can dd it, I hope.

Or let it die, they deserve it.

Comment Don't give your bitcoins to someone else!! (Score 3, Interesting) 148

If you transfer bitcoins to some other organization, then THEY have the bitcoins, not you. If you just want to give money to someone else, there are easier ways to do that than by using bitcoin :-).

it seems to me that if you want to use bitcoins, then you should keep the bitcoins in YOUR OWN wallet and under your OWN control until you want to spend them. Don't hand your bitcoins to a so-called "bank", a "trading company", or anyone else unless you purpose is to GIVE THEM the money. I don't know how successful bitcoins will be in the long term, but if they succeed it will be because people seriously protect the bitcoins.

Comment LAMP? There's your problem... (Score 0) 136

A bit tongue-in-cheek, but...

Package.json + npm install is a lot easier than dealing with zypper, yum, rpm, and then 30 other package managers I'm forced to juggle with on all the different distros I encounter. Obviously I'm brainwashed, but I've been 100%* node for over a year.

Granted, setting up ___sql will pretty much always be a 1-hour job, i'm glad to be free of the A and P in LAMP.

* except when a new contract requires me to dive into LAMP again

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