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Comment Comparing to RasPi (Score 1) 165

Clock speed is 1.4 GHz, just over double the speed of RasPi. (That doesn't mean it's only 2x as fast, since it's probably a slightly newer ARM core, but it's unlikely to be 20x as fast, even if it's doing something like Odroid's quad-core ARM.)

It's definitely cute, but I'd think the Chromecast HDMI/USB-stick format, or something a bit larger but still pocket-sized, makes more sense.

Comment What Snappy and Core really are (Score 4, Informative) 43

Core is a lightweight version of Ubuntu, intended so you can build it on small systems like cloud VMs or ARM boards or embedded devices. (That's an Ubuntu-ish use of "lightweight", which seems to be "of course you've got a huge disk drive even though you don't have much RAM or CPU, but I haven't yet loaded all the pieces to find what it takes to get a minimally useful system. It ain't Puppy Linux, but it's at least a JeOS replacement.)

Snappy is a package manager. It's designed for doing transactional updates to apps and frameworks, so you can load things that you really want to either succeed completely or else fail completely and clean up after themselves, without getting into trouble like dependencies or having to wait until the next semi-yearly Ubuntu release to have all their pieces. It's a replacement for apt/yum/ports/etc.

Snappy Ubuntu Core is an implementation of Core with a Snappy package manager on top of it. You'd typically load a framework like Docker on top of that, but you don't have to if your apps don't need it (or if you just don't have room.) Almost all the "Snappy Ubuntu Core" articles, including at, are mostly about Snappy package management, not actually about Core. Sigh.

Comment Android-keypad-friendly passwords, sigh (Score 1) 197

My medium-security passwords were usually L33tSp34k versions of one or two dictionary words, plus whatever capitalization and punctuation were required. But now that I'm occasionally accessing the web through tablets and accessing work systems over cellphone, I've had to switch to Android-friendly passwords, so the letters get grouped together, followed by the numbers, and usually any punctuation is the limited set that appear on the same keypads as the letters or the numbers. So it's Abc,1234 instead of Passw0rd! for trivial passwords now...

Comment MAC Address as default device password (Score 1) 197

I've had a number of devices over the years where the default password was the MAC address of the admin port or first wired Ethernet port or equivalent, and was also printed on a label on the device. It's not perfect, but it's at least unique, and is strong enough that in most cases, people won't try to crack it, or anybody who might try cracking it has physical access to the box (in which case you're toast anyway.)

Comment Re:Correlation Causation? (Score 1) 348

It's not causation since no experiment was conducted to measure this. It's a weak correlation at best, since again, no correlation study was conducted to measure this outcome. It was a meta analysis not an experiment. That's the limitation of the study. It should be touted as proving anything. What it does point to is an interesting of study, something that should be looked at.

I think a reasonable conclusion to be drawn is that prolonged sitting is associated with a number of bad health outcomes and that prolonged sitting should be broken up with breaks during the day.

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