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Comment Re:Summary of Thread (Score 1) 83

1. It will never work. 2. Big fuckin deal. Made one myself over breakfast last week. 3. Biology is a worthless major. 4. At least 68 replies starting with the word "Actually" 5. This is proof there's no God. 6. Shut up teabagger 7. Fuck beta 8. I'm competing to be the world's biggest talking penis 9. Four PhDs? No wonder you're a dumbfuck 10. Someone dropped a bulldozer on your car? The problem is you.

Well that covers everything. Get the lights on the way out.

Comment Re:Sure (Score 0) 500

All precedents are abused. So what. When they are abused, litigate them. As soon as some idiot cops somewhere says that Fidos "woof" is a nod of approval to enter, that suspect will take it to court, and it will be litigated.

There's nothing to litigate. The Supreme Court has ruled. There is no higher court to take it to,

Comment Re:Don't understand sporting video games... (Score 1) 320

I've never really understood the point of sporting video games. If you're playing a game, why wouldn't you fly a spaceship or kill aliens or build a railway or raid tombs or do something that you couldn't otherwise do in real life? Why play a soccer video game when you can just go outside and play soccer? (Exceptions, of course, for those people with physical disabilities. If you like soccer and don't have use of your legs I suppose it makes sense, but I also assume this is a small minority of players.)

Why play chess when you can join the army......

Comment Re:You got it all wrong, this is GOOOOOD. (Score 3, Funny) 664

After all, it's the first step of automating management, and replacing all that management types with a bunch of shell scripts.

And who gets to write those shell-scripts in the end? Who? Exactly, we, the techies.

So it may be a slight inconvenience for a time, but in the end we will only have to do what the shell scripts we wrote ourselves are telling us to do. Sounds pretty much like paradise to me.

Yes but will those shell scripts be written with vi or emacs?

Comment Re:Dreaming of code? (Score 1) 533

me dreaming of sitting at a desk coding, but the actual visuals are of Vim and nothing else.

Ah, so obviously it was a nightmare ;)

No need to turn this into a Vim vs Emacs debate.

Yes...yes there is. least we can all agree either one is better than visual studio.

Comment Re:I'll be ecstatic! (Score 2) 281

It's a game, a big-budget currently-supported game, not made by Microsoft or Sony, that you can play on Linux PCs (not consoles)...

I must be imagining the copy of Team Fortress 2 that came in my copy of The Orange Box for the PS3. And yes, I know that the PS3 version is hatless, but it's got the same gameplay.

.....but hats ARE the gameplay,

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